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S&C Electric Company: Moving Beyond Average Reliability Metrics

Reliability matters to all stakeholders. While the most used metrics for reliability have changed relatively little since the 1970s, technology and customers’ use of electricity is evolving, placing ever-growing importance on electricity distribution reliability. There is often a disconnect between the average systemwide performance metrics such as SAIFI SAIDI and MAIFI and the performance experienced by individual customers.

This presentation lays out S&C’s conclusions that a broader suite of reliability metrics should be used, placing more weight on customer-centric metrics, some of which will be familiar, and some that deserve more attention. Looking to the future, as we transition toward an energy system with integration of much greater volumes of distributed generation and the electrification of transportation, distribution system stability metrics will likely become useful.

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Navigating a Just Transition: Investment, Power, Place, and Policy Dynamics in Australia + EESA QLD Chapter AGM 2022

The EESA Qld AGM 2022 was followed by a presentation on Navigating a just transition: investment, power, place, and policy dynamics in Australia.

Synopsis: Decarbonisation is reshaping Australia's economic foundations and will be a critical determinant of future prosperity. But a lot needs to go right to reap the benefits of a low carbon transition. Success will turn on solving challenges of technical complexity, scale, interdependence, and pace of structural changes across energy and manufacturing systems. This will require the coordination of three fundamental forces: investment capital; energy supply and demand; and policy in key places and regions across the country. 
This presentation will explore major challenges and potential solutions to the challenges facing decarbonisation of key industrial regions in Australia. The respective roles of government and industry will be a key focus.

James Boyle 

James is a Manager within Deloitte’s Climate and Sustainability practice, advising industry, government and investors on decarbonisation and circular economy strategies. Prior to Deloitte, James was Head of Strategy at the City of London Corporation, leading international green finance and public-private initiatives towards COP26. James has experience in the UK and Queensland Governments.

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2020 South Australian Power Network Islanding Event

On 31 January 2020 destructive weather conditions caused a loss of transmission towers in Victoria. This in turn resulted in the formation of an electrical island including the whole South Australia power system. Islanding of this network having a very high penetration of wind and solar energy sources was an interesting test of the capabilities of renewable energy.  This presentation discusses the response of key network elements to the event subsequent operational measures taken and experiences gained.

This download is the powerpoint slides. Please see other resource entry for the video link.

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2020 South Australian Power Network Islanding Event (1)

On 31 January 2020 destructive weather conditions caused a loss of transmission towers in Victoria. This in turn resulted in the formation of an electrical island including the whole South Australia power system. Islanding of this network having a very high penetration of wind and solar energy sources was an interesting test of the capabilities of renewable energy.  This presentation discusses the response of key network elements to the event subsequent operational measures taken and experiences gained.

This download is the video link. Please see other resource entry for the powerpoint slides.

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2021 Victorian AGM - Distributed Energy Resources: Hosting Capacity as a Service

Main Webinar Topic - Distributed Energy Resources: Hosting Capacity as a Service

Distribution Network Service Providers (DNSP) are evolving network infrastructure to accommodate Distributed Energy Resources (DER) such as solar PV, batteries and EVs. Low voltage networks were not designed for two-way power flows and their visibility has been kept poor by economic choice.

DNSPs are now making efforts to monitor LV network, estimate its state and even publish available capacity dynamically. This will not only provide network businesses a framework to decide most efficient investment enabling DERs but will also unlock information to the third-part service providers / aggregators to provide most value to the consumers. Regulatory mechanisms are also catching up with the transformation taking place by providing more guidance on the value of DER, identifying the cost-benefit analysis that includes benefits for the entire eco-system (networks, environment, wholesale market etc.). This webinar will present the advances and explore if DER hosting capacity can be provided as a service, who can best provide it and what capabilities need to be developed to achieve such an outcome.


20210608 Fundamental Series: HV Switchgear

EESA is pleased to present Gary Towler from Energy Queensland who will provide an abridged version of a training course on HV switchgear. This presentation will include an overview of the function of switchgear and where it fits in a transmission/distribution network, how switchgear operate and the differences between the types of construction, how it’s type tested to certify the ratings, along with maintenance and failure modes.

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20210615 Practical Applications of Computer Modelling for AS4853 Voltage Safety Assessments

Metallic assets in parallel or proximity to HV power lines provide many challenges to assess voltage hazard risks either from low frequency induction (LFI) or voltage transfer through soil or both during normal load conditions and earth fault conditions. Whilst complex equations and mathematics can be applied computer modelling using commercially available software provides many options for practical assessments. This webinar will explore the three ‘levels’ of assessment required by AS 4853 a simplified approach towards computer modelling using CDEGS HIFREQ examination of results and an overview of frequency of contact considerations aimed at delivering cost effective practical solutions without unnecessary complexities.

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A Novel application of FACTS control systems

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A Novel Approach in Planning, Designing and Operating 100% Renewable Future Electricity Networks

In this presentation, the author will introduce innovative ways and solutions to today’s energy transition challenges.

His presentation will take you through a novel approach in planning, designing and operating future 100% renewable power systems from the roots by introducing new coefficients/factors for Renewable Energy (RE) & Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) , and their importance in planning and design.

The Author focuses on the adaptation of different Green Energy Sources and the application of modern technologies and techniques to accommodate them in the existing Transmission & Distribution Systems to achieve optimal, secure, reliable and affordable future power systems. Throughout this presentation, Author has identified various challenges, opportunities to utilise modern planning techniques and technologies in innovative ways to optimally reach the net-zero targets.

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A Sustainable and Secure Electric Energy Solution

The presentation discusses the targets to achieve sutainable and secure energy, and the alternative technologies, their costs, financing issues and tehnical pros and cons. Coal, gas, nuclear, geothermal, hydro, wind and solar technologies are summarised, analysed and compared.

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Actuarial Techniques Applied to Asset Management - Brenton Deed

This presentation describes how actuarial techniques developed to value risk in the insurance industry may be applied to the asset management problems that arise in the power industry. The cost benefits of maintenance may be precisely determined as well as the cost of accelerated aging of plant caused by abnormal loads or by deferring upgrades. Also presented is a technique for evaluating network designs to provide optimal risk profiles. This allows engineers to put a precise dollar value to problems that have been decided on using "prudent practice".

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Adapting Control Rooms for Future Networks - Sonja Basson

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Advancing Dynamic Customer Connections for Distributed Energy Resources (DER)

Ergon Energy Network and Energex have been working closely with the industry to move from connecting passive Distributed Energy Resources (DER) with very limited ‘smarts’, to enabling a future where the dynamic connection of DER is the norm. The network business’ were awarded Energy Networks Australia’s 2021 Industry Innovation Award for their production-ready system capable of generating a detailed picture of real-time network operation cost-effectively using available monitoring data. Improved grid visibility and optimisation tools will maximise opportunities for customer owned solar PV, batteries and electric vehicles to interact with the network delivering value for customers and for the security and efficient operation of the electricity network.  Terese will share details of the network analytics and technology platform supporting this evolution in the way customers and networks interact.


Dr Terese Milford is a Senior Engineer in Energex and Ergon Energy Network’s Intelligent Grid New Technology team. She has worked in the area of an intelligent grid for the past 10 years having led trials of new low voltage regulation and battery technologies. Her recent work focusses on developing and deploying advanced network analytics tools to support a data-driven, digitally-enabled and cost-effective integration of renewables and distributed energy resources into the electricity network. She was awarded the 2021 Women in Technology ‘Rising Star Technology Award’ and her collaborative work on ‘Maximising Distributed Energy Resources using State Estimation’ won Energy Networks Australia’s 2021 Industry Innovation Award.

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AEMO’s Renewable Integration Study (RIS) - Barry O'Connell and Chris Davies

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Agile Survey – LiDAR and the Power Industry

LiDAR, or Light Detection and Ranging, allows for the rapid collection of high-precision 3D point cloud information. It has swifter, more flexible acquisition and processing times than traditional techniques, and can reduce the need for teams to access dangerous areas. This talk by Glenne Blyth of RIEGL Australia will discuss different applications of LiDAR within the power distribution and transmission industry, visiting existing case studies and suggesting future uses. Each has harnessed the power of LiDAR, paired with a rotor RPAS, helicopter or fixed wing-based system. This talk will take a deeper dive into the complex science behind this fascinating technology, and the challenges that are faced by users detecting electrical assets and infrastructure.

RIEGL is a leading international manufacturer of LiDAR technology based in Austria, and RIEGL Australia is the local office for the ANZ region based in Southport, Queensland.


Glenne Blyth

Glenne Blyth (BComm, BSurv - Curtin University, Perth) is an industry expert who is well recognized and experienced in the field of laser scanning. Following University, he worked in Western Australia as an Engineering Surveyor before joining a surveying equipment distributor as a national laser scanning consultant. Glenne moved to Queensland in 2017 and in late 2018 started as Managing Director of RIEGL Australia.

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Alkimos Beach Battery Storage Trial Presentation - Synergy

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AMSC D-VAR Statcom Systems - AMSC - slides

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AMSC's DVAR VVO Solutions

D-VAR VVO - Transmission STATCOM Technology for Distribution Systems

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AS NZS 3000 Wiring Rules, 2018 Changes

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Assessing the resilience of power systems to perform under multiple real life threats

Grid 3.0: Smart Grid: Ubiquitous communications backbone, Distributed sensors, New and/or automated control methodologies, Real-time ratings, Operational technologies, Alternative system designs, Distributed Energy Resources, Predictive and condition based maintenance, Information technology, Asset optimization, Operational excellence, Customer participation

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Ausgrid Large Dynamic Connections Project

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Australia's Green Electricity Schemes - Costs and Benefits - Dr Robert Barr - slides

The presentation discusses the costs and benefits of current national and state green energy schemes designed to encourage the take-up of renewable energy. Financial, market, and technical issues are analysed.

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Australia's Path to Net Zero 2050

The challenge that has been set for the world’s nations is to achieve “net zero by 2050” – to limit global warming to < 2 degrees C. The presentation seeks to develop a realistic high-level analysis and model of the transition to technological “net zero by 2050” for Australia, to use this model to provide a basis for a plan for the transition to 2050, and broadly quantify the magnitude of the tasks ahead.

The approach is to:

• Understand which parts of the economy produce CO2

• Model electricity as it is generated today, and how it can be decarbonized by 2050

• Model all energy consumption in the economy and how fossil fuel use can be eliminated by 2050 via renewably generated electricity, and green hydrogen and its derivatives.

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Automation & AI in the Utilities Sector, Featuring Spot the Robot Dog

Spot the Robot Dog represents the pinnacle of converging technologies and is a valuable tool in automating asset data collection and improving safety in the field. SA Power Networks is the first utility in Australia to use strategic robotics and AI technology like Spot for autonomous asset inspections, and to take a step towards greater human-robot collaborations.

Muen Chen, Network Analytics and Insights Manager from SA Power Networks, will describe the technology behind Spot, its capabilities and how it is used to look out for damaged infrastructure and other issues in the distribution network.

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Barker Inlet Power Station Project - Brad Pfeiffer and Kevin Andersen

The presentation describes AGL's 210MW Barker Inlet Power Station development alongside the Torrens Island Power Station site near Port Adelaide. The development comprises 12 high efficiency reciprocating engines that operate with a lower heat rate than other forms of fast-start plants currently available. The station also has the capability of operating at full capacity within five minutes, providing a rapid response to changes in renewable generation supply.

This download is the Powerpoint slides. Please see other resource entry for the video link.

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Barker Inlet Power Station Project - Brad Pfeiffer and Kevin Andersen (2)

The presentation describes AGL's 210MW Barker Inlet Power Station development alongside the Torrens Island Power Station site near Port Adelaide. The development comprises 12 high efficiency reciprocating engines that operate with a lower heat rate than other forms of fast-start plants currently available. The station also has the capability of operating at full capacity within five minutes, providing a rapid response to changes in renewable generation supply.

This download is the video link. Please see other resource entry for the Powerpoint slides.

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Basslink - Michael Verrier

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Battery of the Nation

This presentation describes Tasmania’s energy development plans to help transition Australia to a cleaner energy future - Battery of the Nation and Project Marinus. Outcomes of studies jointly funded by Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) and Hydro Tasmania into sites suited to pumped hydro energy storage and the enormous potential of the state to provide reliable, clean, affordable energy to the NEM.

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Benefit of Open Architecture for Virtual Synchronous Generator Applications

Inverter Based Virtual Synchronous Generators provide possibility for transitioning towards 100% renewable integration. As the power networks becoming more unstable and each point of connection having different set of technical issues to overcome, application specific controller design has become more critical for a reliable operation. SIEMENS SINAMICS S120 based inverters with open architecture which can be tailor made to specific customer requirements provide next generation of control integration for transitioning to a 100% renewable energy supply.


Dinesh Kathriarachchi

Dinesh Kathriarachchi was born in 1975. He received Bachelor of Engineering Degree from University of Canterbury New Zealand and Masters of Engineering Degree from Charles Darwin University, Australia. Over the past decades, Dinesh Kathriarachchi has been working in Power Converter Systems for both heavy industrial and Utility applications globally. The work experience includes R&D Engineering – PDL Electronics New Zealand, Power System Engineering - PACE Miro United Kingdom, R&D - Power Electronics Spain, Power Conversion Engineering - SIEMENS AG Germany, Power Conversion & Industrial Inverters SIEMENS Ltd Australia. In the current position as the Head of Power Conversion System ASIA/PAC SIEMENS LTD based out of China, Dinesh Kathriarachchi is responsible for the Power Conversion business in ASIA/ PAC and works closely with global utilities and industrial customers. 

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Blockchain Technology in the Energy Sector

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Bruny Island 11kV Submarine Cable Replacement

In November 2019 one of two 11kV submarine cables providing supply to Bruny Island failed. The failed cable had been in continuous service for 75 years. The remaining cable has been in continuous service for 65 years and was not suitable to supply the entire island supply at peak times.

This presentation will detail the cable failure cause, steps taken to ensure island load could be met with only one cable, the planning, design , installation and commissioning process to have the new cable back energised and operational which occurred in September 2022.


Michael Verrier – Senior Asset Strategy Engineer

Michael has been working in the Transmission and Distribution electricity industry for over two decades with experience in all aspects of Substation and Underground assets. Michael is responsible for asset management and project initiation aspects of cable assets at TasNetworks.



Alex McKay – Asset Engineer

Alex is a valued member of the Substations team, working at TasNetworks for last few years. He was a key member for this project acting as project engineer for works associated with the design, installation and commissioning of the submarine cable.


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Bushfire Risk Management at SA Power Networks

A description of the systems and procedures developed by SA Power Networks to manage the risk of bushfire initiation from the distribution power network in South Australia.

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CalTest: Electrical equipment for energy efficiency measurements


This presentation describes CalTest’s activities involving the determination of the energy efficiency of components and systems including electric motors, variable speed drives, distribution transformers, water pumps and air-compressors. The presentation will explain the way in which modern instrumentation plays a vital role in making such measurements.


Andrew Baghurst, Director CalTest Electrical Measurements, Testing and Consulting.

Director CalTest Electrical Measurements, Testing and Consulting

After graduation from the University of Adelaide, Andrew Baghurst lectured in electrical engineering at the University of South Australia, where he established the Australian Electrical Testing Centre, specialising in short-circuit, heavy current and high voltage testing, measurements and research.

He left that institution as Associate Professor of Electrical Power Engineering in 1997 to set up CalTest, his own business in Port Elliot, South Australia. CalTest is NATA accredited, and has interests and capability in the above general areas, but now includes facilities for tests and efficiency measurements on equipment including electric motors, variable speed drives and distribution transformers.

Andrew is active in a range of international and national standards groups.

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Carnarvon Distributed Energy Resource Trials - Exploring High Penetration DER

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Case study on Energy Queensland’s 33-11kV Redcliffe Substation: How safe design is an integral part of designing, building and business operations

Obligations are placed on engineers and designers to identify hazards and controls to reduce risks in construction, operation, maintenance and removal of assets.  More often seminars on this topic have chosen to focus on the critical legislation, standards and codes of practices relating to these obligations.  However, this seminar will take a whole of system approach by stepping through how safe design is an integral part of business operations.  To do this a case study will be stepped through for the design and construction of Energy Queensland’s 33/11 kV Redcliffe Substation.

Andrew Meiklejohn

Andrew has 23 years’ experience in the electricity supply industry, starting his career in 1998 with Energex and now continuing with Energy Queensland.  Andrew is a senior leader in Energy Queensland and a Registered Professional Engineer of Queensland (RPEQ) in the electrical discipline.  Andrew has extensive experience in primary and secondary substation design, design engineering, and also has operational experience in field construction, field testing, network operations, overhead transmission line design, underground transmission line design along with experience in emergency and disaster management. 

He is a founding and continuing member of Energy Queensland’s Engineering Development Committee responsible for providing leadership, guidance, subject matter expertise and support of Energy Queensland’s STEM programs, and is the National Chairperson for the Australian Standards Committee for Lightning Protection.

Currently, Andrew is the manager of the Substation Design & Engineering Department at Energy Queensland and is accountable for Substation Design, SCADA design, Telecommunications design, Power station Electrical & Mechanical design, for Ergon Energy’s and Energex’s high voltage substations and Ergon Energy’s remote community power stations.

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Circularity for Solar Energy: The Future of Energy through Solar Panel Reuse

Due to the increasing uptake of solar panel installations in Australia. a growing number of panels are stockpiling at landfill sites. Megan describes her investigation of the recycling and reuse potential for these panels and how she has uncovered a significant issue for industry; that of premature obsolescence of solar panels. She also describes her work in developing a certification process to establish the requisite quality and safety for used panels and share the results of her research into the establishment of a panel recycling industry. 

Megan is the Co-Founder and Director of Circular PV Alliance, a not-for-profit public entity aimed at creating a circular economy for solar energy. Megan has experience in sustainability projects, solar energy and land use planning, policy and business. On completion of an MBA on “Emerging business opportunities in relation to the Australian solar recycling market” she developed her passion to investigate and take action on solar panel reuse. 

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Climate Resilient Energy Systems

Extreme weather events are increasing in magnitude and frequency in Australia, physical climate risk and adaptation is top of mind for the energy industry. This presentation will focus on climate risks for assets and operations for the power generation, transmission and distribution sectors. A consideration of transition risk/opportunity as it interfaces with generating resilience value will also be explored.

Michael Nolan – Climate Change Risk & Resilience Lead ANZ, Aurecon

Michael has 25 years of consulting and advisory experience in climate change risk, carbon management and sustainability for government and private sector. Previously Michael was the Director of the Cities Programme for the United Nations Global Compact and has authored climate adaptation components of the Infrastructure Sustainability Council of Australia’s rating scheme and also the Australian Standard AS5334 Climate Change Adaptation for Settlements and Infrastructure.

Michael has led numerous climate change risk and adaptation projects and advisory power sector businesses in Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada, Brazil, India, China and Hong Kong including integrating climate adaptation investment into regulatory pricing re-sets in Australia and Canada.

Michael advised the Executive Office of the President of the United States (Obama Administration) on the climate change investment prioritization. He has worked with the Executive Office of the UN Secretary General to develop and progress Local 2030 Hubs to progress the local delivery of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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Conductor Recognition Using Semantic Segmentation

Webinar Overview

Worldwide electricity distribution companies are moving towards risk-driven network replacement and maintenance strategies, and part of the risk assessment is to evaluate or estimate the asset condition. Unison has an ageing overhead conductor fleet consisting of over 4,200 km of high voltage lines, there are approximately 500 km of 7/0.064 Plain Hard-drawn Copper (PHC) 11 kV conductor in the fleet. The conductor has low tensile strength and an aged installation profile. Research that Unison conducted in 2018 identified the conductor’s visual appearance as a key indicator for condition assessment – hence Unison is currently developing a system that can use conductor images obtained by drones, to automatically evaluate the appearance and condition of the conductor.
This presentation will show the process followed to use machine learning and semantic segmentation to recognise/identify the overhead conductor region of interest in images with natural backgrounds. Such segmentation of the conductor is a required first step before evaluating the conductor appearance and condition, which also uses automated machine learning techniques


Dr Peter Brady

Dr Peter Brady is a Senior Application Engineer at the MathWorks where he leverages maths to accelerate our customers projects. He works across the engineering spectrum with a focus on maths, statistics, optimisation, machine and deep learning as well as cloud scale out. Prior to joining MathWorks Peter worked for several civil and defence contractors delivering projects in surface water, hydraulics and hydrology as well as fluid dynamics and submarine cavitation inception. His prior research work includes free surface hydraulic simulation, thermodynamics and nanofluidics.
Peter has a PhD in Mechanical Engineering and a Bachelors in Civil Engineering both from UTS and is a Chartered Practicing Engineer in the fields of Mechanical Engineering and Leadership and Management (CPEng NER) as well as a Certified Professional with the Australian Computer Society. He is the current Chair of Sydney Division Water Engineering Panel and has chaired a number of Engineers Australia conferences.

Alex Castellanos

Alex Castellanos is working as Digital Engineering Technical Lead at Unison Networks Ltd. He graduated in electrical engineering/power systems (2001) from Mexico’s National Institute of Technology (Orizaba, Veracruz); he obtained a PhD degree (2015) from the University of Canterbury (Christchurch, New Zealand). He has over 10 years of experience in the power and energy industry including energy use, power generation, and power transformers monitoring and control. His current area of interest is data analytics and condition monitoring for the management of electricity distribution network assets.


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Connecting Renewable Generation Sources - Managing the Network with Increasing Renwables

The presentation describes the challenges faced by South Australiadue to the high penetration of wind into its power system. The impacts on equipment ratings, protection, stability, synchronisation, generation dispatch and other operational and emerging issues, arising from fewer synchronous generators on line, are discussed

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Coping with Change in the Electric Power Industry

The presentation discusses why engineers need to understand the all the details of their area of expertise as well as the “big picture” overview of the changes that are occurring, and the impact of these changes on the transmission and distribution system, so that they can successfully make the transition to this much more complicated world

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CopperString 2.0 EHV Transmission Project

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COVID-19 Impact on Energy Market Demand and Prices

EESA understands that our many members from across Australia working in all aspects of the electric energy industry are being impacted in some way or other by the crisis being created by COVID-19. This webinar will assist all of us to have a better understanding of the effect that COVID-19 is currently having and the likely impacts over the next 12 months on all aspects of the electric energy industry within Australia.

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The electrical needs of customers and consumers as distinct from the needs of Entrepreneurs and Politicians. It starts out with their power quality, protection,safety and price requirements and derives the technical parameters needed to provide customer focused quality of supply.

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Cyber Security - Anything to Worry About - Pete Whelan - notes

This seminar describes the International Energy Industry Assurance Forum, held in USA in March 2011, covering international Cyber security issues. Also discussed are a number of case histories of cyber infringements of power networks and infrastructure and the results of a recent Victorian Energy Industry Exercise. The presentation is rounded off with some observations in an Australian context.

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Cyber Security - Anything to Worry About - Pete Whelan - slides

This seminar describes the International Energy Industry Assurance Forum, held in USA in March 2011, covering international Cyber security issues. Also discussed are a number of case histories of cyber infringements of power networks and infrastructure and the results of a recent Victorian Energy Industry Exercise. The presentation is rounded off with some observations in an Australian context.

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DERMS Reimagined


  • Focus on modern DERMS: Introduction to the contemporary needs and reimagined design principles for Distributed Energy Resources Management Systems (DERMS).
  • Market and standard alignment: Emphasis on the importance of adhering to industry standards and collaborating with organizations like IEEE and Standards Australia.
  • Integration and control: Overview of the advanced integration frameworks and control mechanisms that enhance DER performance and grid stability.


Attendees will learn about:

  • Emergent DER management requirement: Discover new design principles essential for addressing the rapid growth and impact of Distributed Energy Resources (DER).
  • Industry standards and collaboration: Understand the importance of adhering to industry standards and working with organisations like IEEE to ensure compliance and innovation.
  • Integration framework: Learn how advanced frameworks enable the seamless integration of DER systems with existing grid infrastructure.
  • Enhanced control mechanism: Explore advanced control and data management techniques that maintain grid stability and optimize DER performance.


Bio of Speaker

Tim Schier is a seasoned Chief Technology Officer at SwitchDin since February 2023, with 25+ years of experience in software, hardware, and system integrations. He has a proven track record in tackling complex technology systems. He led prodcuts and innovation in aersospace, health, defence, telco and transport, in AU and the EU. He has a distinguished career marked by significant achievements in technology and product development. Tim excels in building high-performing teams and managing a broad spectrum of product areas. With strategic leadership
and hands-on technical roles at world-leading technology companies, he consistently proves his ability to tackle complex challenges, steer strategic projects, and drive technological innovation across various high-tech industries.


SwitchDin is a leading innovator in renewable energy software, celebrating our 10th anniversary
this year. As a SaaS company, we empower businesses in their energy transitions by bridging the gap
between energy networks, markets, and green enterprises. Our focus is on enabling distributed
energy at scale, driving efficiency, and sustainability across the energy landscape.

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Develop and Test BMS algorithms for Fault Conditions Webinar and Slide Pack

Modelling and Simulation of Faults in a Battery System

MathWorks demonstrated how to model and simulate faults in battery systems. They showcased:

  • How to inject faults in a battery model including additional resistance fault, internal short fault, and exothermic reactions.
  • How to characterise the thermal runaway behaviour of a battery cell by simulating an accelerating rate calorimetry (ARC) test.
  • How the battery management system (BMS) responds under fault conditions.
  • How to conduct a Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) per industry safety standards while leveraging simulation results

Attendees learned how to:

  • Inject and simulate faults in a battery model
  • Characterise the thermal runaway behaviour of a battery cell
  • Detect fault conditions using an executable flow chart
  • Conduct a Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) of a battery management system (BMS) while leveraging simulation results

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Digital Substations: overview and experiences

The Digital Substation: Overview and Experiences presentation will introduce the emerging field of IEC 61850 based digital substation equipment using sampled values and GOOSE messages. The presentation will highlight key differences to conventional constructions and introduce key components such as process interface units and the need for a robust time synchronisation system. The presentation will also recount practical experiences with digital substation equipment, including the digitisation of a substation busbar and implementation of a distributed low impedance busbar protection scheme.


Dispruptive challenges of integration of renewable energies into exsiting islanded networks

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Dissolve Gas Analysis (DGA) for In-service Natural Ester Dielectric Fluid

As the power generation industry continues to embrace the unique benefits of natural ester dielectric fluid, there is also growing interest in understanding how dissolved gas analysis (DGA) is applicable for natural ester transformers.
This webinar therefore seeks to examine the key aspects on the interpretation of DGA results from in-service natural ester fluid. In particular, the commonly used analysis methods for transformer condition assessment and fault identification will be reviewed in consideration of their relevance and applicability to natural ester fluid. Also, the robustness of using DGA results as condition monitoring criteria for transformers will be discussed in the context of the variability of the threshold values of the various key gases.


Kin Yu Lam

Kin Yu is currently the Regional Application Engineering Leader with Cargill Bioindustrial based in Singapore. Kin Yu holds a bachelor and a doctorate degree in chemistry from Newcastle University in the United Kingdom. Prior to joining Cargill, Kin Yu has over twenty years of experience in the lubricants business holding various technical and managerial positions.

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Distribution Network Fault Location Using Power Quality Monitors


Power quality monitoring is used by electricity networks for responding to customer complaints, investigating network events, load monitoring and power quality compliance. Increasing amounts of consumer power electronics, including distributed energy resources, means power quality monitoring is as relevant as it’s ever been. Further, customers are increasingly relying on electricity networks in their day-to-day lives, making reliability and quality a supply a driving factor in network operations. This presentation outlines a system that employees power quality monitors to find network faults, improving network reliability and the utilisation of monitoring assets.


Andrew Sims

Andrew Sims is a Power Quality Engineer at Endeavour Energy. Andrew has over 15 years of experience in the electricity distribution industry, working as a Network Planner and Power Quality Engineer across Endeavour Energy’s Planning, System Operations and Future Grid branches.

Andrew holds a BEng Electrical Engineering and a Master of Electrical Power Engineering, both from the University of Wollongong.

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Distribution Voltage Management, High PV Penetrations and the 230V Transition - Peter Kilby

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Driving Power Grid Sustainability with Natural Ester Sustainable Peak Loading Transformers

While the global demand for electricity is expected to grow 40% by year 2050, many countries are also aiming to achieve net carbon zero at about the same time. The power generation industry is therefore striving to explore ways to drive economic and environmental sustainability in their operation.

Due to the possibility of having additional loading capacity beyond the rated load at normal temperature rise limit using natural ester dielectric fluid to replace mineral oil in the insulation systems, the paradigm of having to match the transformer’s rated capacity to the expected peak demand can be shifted. With reference to the European Green Deal which aims to drive decarbonization and achieve maximum resource efficiency underpinned by the circular economy action plan at the same time, this webinar will describe an innovative approach of utilizing the loading flexibility of natural ester transformers to help to deliver the seemingly conflicting demands of energy efficiency and reduced use of non-renewable resources.


Kin Yu Lam

Kin Yu is currently the Regional Application Engineering Leader with Cargill Bioindustrial based in Singapore. Kin Yu holds a bachelor and a doctorate degree in chemistry from Newcastle University in the United Kingdom. Prior to joining Cargill, Kin Yu has over twenty years of experience in the lubricants business holding various technical and managerial positions.


Dynamic Line Rating Application in Generator Interim Access (GIA)

Generator Interim Access (GIA) is a generator connection solution introduced by Western Power to allow new generators to be connected to the SWIS at low costs under a constrained access arrangement. With more GIA generators being connected and new network limitations, GIA generators are being constrained more often. This has impacted not only the cost to the energy market but also introduced challenges for AEMO to maintain a stable system frequency and manage sufficient ancillary services, such as load following and spinning reserve. One solution for reducing the impacts is to increase the network capacity by introducing dynamic line ratings in the GIA Tool.

This application of the dynamic line ratings is to dynamically calculate the line ratings, which are based on the ESAA D(b)5 1988 line rating methodology, using real-time ambient temperature data and historical PoE (probability of exceedance) data of solar radiation in GIA constraint equations. The objective is to increase the summer thermal ratings of critical transmission lines to capacity levels similar to their corresponding winter thermal line ratings. The implementation philosophy is to have a non-complicated but reliable and auditable dynamic line rating calculation. This presentation will discuss the implementation and benefits of this dynamic line rating application.


Randy Supangat

Randy Supangat is the Principal Engineer of Network Operations Function at Western Power. His role focuses on the real time operations of the system including providing technical leadership and support to the function, developing operating guidelines for network and customer projects and managing generator commissioning. He also led the development of operating strategies and plans for managing system voltages and reactive power in the SWIS for system low demands due to high DER penetration.

Randy received the Bachelor of Engineering (First Class Honours) degree in 2003 and Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering in 2008 from the University of Adelaide. He is also a Chartered Professional Engineer on the National Engineers Register. He has over 13 years of experience in the power system industry, which has included power system modelling, system analysis, network planning and network operations, across utility and consulting businesses.

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Dynamic Rating of Overhead Lines - J Smith, C Nolden, J Haddow, D Boyce

This presentation describes the reasons and methodology for Real-time Ratings (RTR) and trials conducted at ElectraNet. The purpose of this new methodology is to provide a more accurate method of assessment of power line rating to replace the historical use of seasonal static line ratings. RTR builds on such factors as Aerial Laser Surveys, asset condition information and other assessments.

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Earthing Design and Modelling Guide for Renewable Energy Projects

Recently there has been an unprecedented number of generation projects as the world targets 100 % renewable energy sources. A key component to the safety of these new facilities is the properly designed earthing systems. The combination of new technologies and the fact these projects cover large areas often over difficult and varying terrain presents challenges. The cost of these earthing systems can reach millions of dollars hence a small percentage of over-design will result in significant extra cost. The same approaches for designing substation earthing systems cannot be applied to renewable projects. The modelling of the earthing systems will usually involve compromises, but accurate results are still achievable. This presentation will provide a guide to the earthing system modelling with references to relevant standards and real-world examples.


Jayson Patrick

Jayson is the Technical Director at Electrotechnik, a company that develops leading electrical power system design and analysis software. Jayson has extensive experience working on large-scale power systems projects in high voltage design, testing/commissioning, and power system analysis roles along with two decades of experience in professional software development. 

Jayson has a master’s degree in electrical power engineering, and he leads a multi-disciplinary team of developers, cloud architects, UI designers, electrical power engineers, and Ph.D. researchers. Jayson’s role at Electrotechnik involves developing new software and complex algorithms for electrical power systems design, where he is using a combination of technologies, multiple programming languages, and agile development practices.

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Earthing hazard assessment as per AS 20672014, Review of principles and a case study

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Electric and Autonomous Vehicles From Zero Emissions to Zero Accidents

This talk covers the three major revolutions currently happening in the Automotive industry:

 - Connected Vehicles

 - Electric Vehicles

 - Autonomous Driving

Connected vehicles are already there and electric vehicles are coming to the market in larger numbers. Autonomous vehicles are still part of ongoing research by automotive companies and IT companies alike.

This talk will present future trends in the automotive industry together with work that is currently being conducted at UWA's Renewable Energy Vehicle Project (REV).


Prof. Thomas Bräunl

Thomas Bräunl is Professor at The University of Western Australia, Perth, where he directs the Renewable Energy Vehicle Project (REV) as well as the Robotics&Automation Lab. He has converted several road-licensed cars to battery-electric drive and autonomous driving and operates one of Australia’s largest EV charging networks with 24 AC and DC charging stations.

He was Technical Director of the West Australian Electric Vehicle Trial and Principal Investigator of the ARC Electric Vehicle Fast-Recharging Project. He has worked on Driver-Assistance Systems with Daimler/Mercedes-Benz and on Electric Vehicle Charging Systems with BMW.

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Electric Energy Security and the Role of Nuclear Energy in Australia. "A Sustainable and Secure Electric Energy Solution"

Under the Australian Constitution it is the State and Territory governments, not the Commonwealth which has responsibility for energy. Victoria is one of three states (the others being New South Wales and Queensland) which have laws prohibiting nuclear power, while the other states and territories have no prohibitions. With South Australia considering the nuclear fuel cycle, and there being a possible future energy supply via the National Electricity Market (NEM), this has direct relevance to Victoria.

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Electric Utilities: An Industry in Transition

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Electric Utilities: An Industry in Transition

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Electric Vehicle Charging - James Kennedy

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Electric Vehicles and Related Technologies

This presentation describes the development of the Electric Car including battery charging technologies, range of vehicles, standards, supporting infrastructure, and integration into the power grid. A Mitsubishi demonstration vehicle was available for inspection prior to the presentation

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Electric Vehicles and the Grid: International developments in sustainable energy and transport

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Electric Vehicles and the Grid: International developments in sustainable energy and transport (2)

This download iss the Webinar Recording. Please see the other entry for the powerpoint slides

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Electrical Storage through Hydrogen

Hydrogen as an energy storage medium is progressively becoming more competitive. The Proton Exchange membrane (PEM) electrolysis technology developed by Siemens is explained and examples of the multiple applications discussed. Hydrogen is created by electrolysis of water from renewable sources and the hydrogen can be stored for multiple uses. The stored energy released from the combustion of the hydrogen is CO2 free and environmentally friendly.

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Electrolysis Corrosion caused by Stray Current

History of Electrolysis Corrosion • Electrolysis Corrosion – what is it? Regulations & Standards, Interference - Stray Traction Current. Interference – Key Management strategies

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Electromagnetic Coordination Management for Substations - Ashwin Maharaj

This presentation covers electromagnetic coordination issues within substations; what they are, how they're created, how we know it can be problematic, what the consequences are, and solutions for mitigating the issues.

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Electromagnetic Induction from Power Lines to Metallic Third Party Assets

The coupling of electrical energy between a power system and neighbouring metallic third party infrastructure is complex and often misunderstood. In this presentation the general coupling mechanisms between power systems and proximate conductive third party infrastructure are explained. A detailed exploration of the coupling mechanisms associated with electromagnetic induction are provided from both a theoretical and practical perspective in an attempt to alleviate any such misconceptions within industry. The implications of these realisations to the present state of AS/NZS 4853 are discussed and the importance of the correct understanding and application of the theory is consolidated.

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EMC Management for Substations

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Energy Regulation and Industry Transformation - slides

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Energy Security for Australia: Crafting a Comprehensive Energy Secuirty Policy

Under the Australian Constitution it is the State and Territory governments, not the Commonwealth which has responsibility for energy. Victoria is one of three states (the others being New South Wales and Queensland) which have laws prohibiting nuclear power, while the other states and territories have no prohibitions. With South Australia considering the nuclear fuel cycle, and there being a possible future energy supply via the National Electricity Market (NEM), this has direct relevance to Victoria.

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Energy Storage & Recovery Cell, Lonsdale

This webinar describes the development of a Thermal Energy Device (TED) which converts electrical energy into latent heat.  The TED stores electrical energy as thermal energy by heating and melting a unique phase change material.  The energy is stored at more than 12 times the energy density of a lead acid battery, before being extracted by thermal generator to provide electricity when, and where it’s needed.

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Energy Storage and the Power Network

Energy storage technology, applications and practicalities for the electrical power network from a manufaturer's perspective and from a network perspective

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Energy Supply in a Smart Grid Future - ETSA utilities

This presentation describes the projected impacts on the demand profile of ETSA Utilities (later SA Power Networks) network of increased solar energy distributed generation resources and the proposed adoption of smart grid technologies. A case study of a trial in North Adelaide is covered.

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Engineering Practices for EMS - Scada Upgrade Projects

Upgrading energy management systems for large-scale utilities is a complex and high-risk process. This complexity arises from the interaction of various control, monitoring, and computing applications, numerous external interfaces, extensive databases and displays, and the requirement to complete system replacements or upgrades without interrupting the flow of electricity.  Even minor errors or skipped steps can lead to significant disruptions, safety hazards, or commercial issues.  This presentation will walk through the full project life cycle, highlighting key risk factors, mitigation strategies, applicable standards, potential solutions to technological challenges, and the steps needed to ensure a safe and smooth upgrade of critical systems.

Matthew Nicholas, Operational Technology Manager, ElectraNet.

Matthew is a senior business technology leader with over 25 years of experience delivering technology and strategic initiatives across Energy, Rail, Defence and Government industries.  With a software/systems engineering background, Matthew has led delivery of command and control systems across rail, army, air force and now energy systems. Matthew has experience in leadership of engineering teams, program delivery, and ongoing support and sustainment of complex systems.

Imran Ali, Lead Operational Technology Engineer, ElectraNet.

Imran has more than 25 years of diversified local and international experience in concept and detailed design, engineering, project management, installation, testing and commissioning of mid to large scale Industrial Automation and Controls Systems (IACS), Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA), Energy Management Systems (EMS), Safety Integrated Systems (SIS) and Facilitation of HAZOP and Risk assessment workshops etc.  Imran has specialised experience in the design, development and implementation of Energy Management Systems (EMS/SCADA) for the Electricity Industry.

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EPC Report - How to Make the Finkel Electricity Plan Work

This report has been prepared in the public interest as a community service. It is aimed at providing new options for government to tackle the big issues in the National Electricity Market that have not been adequately addressed over the past decade. If left unaddressed, these issues threaten to derail the Australian electricity industry and consequently the Australian economy in the near future.

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Fast Frequency Services - treating the symptom or the cause?

This seminar will raise questions regarding the Frequency Control Ancillary Services (FCAS) market structure and its influence on the deterioration in the frequency control of the power system with respect to regulation and in response to fast events.

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Flexible Power Links for Sub-Transmission - Voltage Source Converters

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Fundamental Series: Protection

EESA is pleased to present Craig Taylor, a long-time electricity industry professional, who will present a fundamentals series topic on Protection Systems.  Are you familiar with the protection systems used to protect electrical network employees, the community as well as the equipment installed?

Protection systems are fundamental to the stability and security of electrical networks.  Without effective and appropriate protection systems employees, the public and the network itself are at risk.

This presentation will discuss protection fundamentals as well as the relevant national electricity rules and the criteria required for an effective protection system.


Craig Taylor is an experienced electricity industry professional engineer and has been involved in protection systems and associated secondary systems for more than 40 years.  Craig holds a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering from the Queensland University of Technology.  Craig is well qualified to present on this important engineering topic.

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Fundamentals of Overhead Line Design - Colin Lee

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Fundamentals Series - High Voltage Cable Insulation - John Lansley

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Fundamentals Series – Power Cable Sizing

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Future Automotive trends - Thomas Bräunl

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Future Automotive trends - Thomas Bräunl

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Future Strategies for the SA Power System

The NEM is changing and the South Australian power system is at the forefront of that change due to the high penetration of renewables. This presentation discusses the resulting technical challenges - in particular frequency control, system strength, system resilience (management of low probability, high impact events) and power system visibility (information, data and models), and the required market and regulatory reforms needed.

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Future Strategies for the SA Power System

This presentation provides information about Electranet (South Australia's transmission company), an overview of the South Australian power system, recent events and power system/energy security initiatives, and information regarding Electranet initiatives to address the issues.

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Future Strategies for the SA Power System

This presentation provides a technical overview of Power Systems and future strategies for the South Australian Power System. The presentation covers historical development of the Australian grid, a description of the impact of renewable generation on the SA grid, system reliability, security, and stability issues including voltage control.

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Future Trends in Substations - Terry Krieg

The presentation describes global trends in substation design and discusses how these developments provide both challenges and opportunities for the Australian power industry and utilities. A vision of the Substation of the future is presented with the likely challenges to be considered along the way.

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Grid-Scale BESS in SA - Hugo Klingenberg

Broad range of services & benefits (Market services, e.g. arbitrage or Caps, USE reduction, capital deferral, network support, etc.) with the business case being very application specific

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Harmonic Assessments and Filter Design

The connection of large renewable energy generators to relatively weak networks, and associated strict harmonic emission limits for these projects has driven an increasing deployment of harmonic filters, and notably C-type filters in recent years.

The presentation briefly reviews other commonly used configurations and illustrates the key benefits of C-type filters as being reduced losses and excellent mitigation across a wide frequency range. A review of practical requirements of component ratings will be presented. Several variants of the filter will be presented in order to demonstrate protection requirements and options. The prospects of standardised filter designs in transmission and renewable applications will be discussed. Practical aspects of the filter will be presented in terms of switching transients and minimum requirements for reliable commissioning and operation.


Marius has nearly forty years of experience in the areas of power system analysis and design, manufacture and delivery of power quality solutions to clients in the electricity utility, mining, industrial and commercial sectors. His involvement ranges from early identification of opportunities to improvement of power systems, synthesis of solutions, specification and procurement of primary and secondary plant, site supervision and commissioning and product life cycle support. He has worked as design engineer and contract manager in the electricity utility sector, as specialist electrical engineering consultant, general manager of startup organisations, and representative of product manufacturers in the course of an uninterrupted career in electrical engineering.

With specialist skills in the area of power system analysis and harmonic filter design, Marius is recognised as an expert on an international level, has conducted numerous grid connection studies and has presented training courses on design and specification of harmonic filters in Australia and abroad.

Marius is a member of the Standards Australia committee on power quality, and has published multiple papers in Cigré

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High Energy, Low Pollution. Why a nuclear opponent became a nuclear proponent

Under the Australian Constitution it is the State and Territory governments, not the Commonwealth which has responsibility for energy. Victoria is one of three states (the others being New South Wales and Queensland) which have laws prohibiting nuclear power, while the other states and territories have no prohibitions. With South Australia considering the nuclear fuel cycle, and there being a possible future energy supply via the National Electricity Market (NEM), this has direct relevance to Victoria.

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High Voltage Cables and Accessories - Paul McLean

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Hitachi-ABB Power Grids Field Data to Fleet Investments Asset Performance Management – Predictive, Prescriptive & Prognostic

With the advent of “big data” and significantly increasing volumes of condition and process data recorded and archived by operators a new breed of prognostic technologies is emerging. As true extensions of predictive diagnostics prognostic functions enable the shift from time- to condition-based maintenance. More specifically they promise benefits in three areas: (1) minimized downtime via suitable long-term scheduling and scoping of maintenance (2) maximized remaining useful life (RUL) of assets through intelligent load management mitigating condition gradients and (3) optimal fleet deployment taking into account future asset risk profiles. This presentation will cover some data analysis techniques as well as some example benefit case studies of applying predictive and prognostic techniques in asset intensive industries.

This download is the recording. Please see other resource entry for the Powerpoint slides. 

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Hitachi-ABB Power Grids Field Data to Fleet Investments Asset Performance Management – Predictive, Prescriptive & Prognostic (1)

With the advent of “big data” and significantly increasing volumes of condition and process data recorded and archived by operators a new breed of prognostic technologies is emerging. As true extensions of predictive diagnostics prognostic functions enable the shift from time- to condition-based maintenance. More specifically they promise benefits in three areas: (1) minimized downtime via suitable long-term scheduling and scoping of maintenance (2) maximized remaining useful life (RUL) of assets through intelligent load management mitigating condition gradients and (3) optimal fleet deployment taking into account future asset risk profiles. This presentation will cover some data analysis techniques as well as some example benefit case studies of applying predictive and prognostic techniques in asset intensive industries.

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Hornsdale Power Reserve - Jennie Burdeniuk, GHD

This presentation by GHD describes the develoment of the Horndale Power reserve project in SA comprising the Tesla battery associated with the Hornsdale wind farm. the presenation has a project overview from conception to completeion, and initial results of the performance of the system.

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Hornsdale Power Reserve - Steve Wilson, Aurecon

This presenation by Aurecon as technical adviser to the SA government describes the timeline of events leading to the project and the key considerations, project schedule, opportunities and challenges, and lessons learnt

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Household Demand Management: Case Study

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Household Demand Management: Case Study (1)

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Household Demand Management: Case Study - Supporting Doc

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How SA's Electricity Distribution Reliability Is Being Improved - Andre Costa

This presentation from University of Adelaide describes software being developed for SAPN, using data analytics and machine learning techniques, to optimise supply restoration and labour resource for distribution outages resulting from weather events.

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How SA's Electricity Distribution Reliability Is Being Improved - Frank Crisci

SA Power Networks in conjunction with The University of Adelaide have developed to help improve management of the South Australian distribution network. The development tool is for predicting network implications of weather events, impacts of return to service alternatives and advice on feeder return to service. The presentation describes the challenges SAPN faces due to weather events in trying to predict up-coming outages and planning for the associated restoration and maintenance.

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How To Get to Net Zero Without Costing the Earth

Energy Action’s CEO John Huggart and 100% Renewable’s co-CEO Barbara Albert, do a deep dive into how to set up a responsible Net Zero plan at least cost.

Download the presentation slides.

Energy Action’s Net Zero 5-Step Action Plan

For more information, visit our website:


How to Make the Finkel Electricity Plan Work

This report has been prepared in the public interest as a community service. It is aimed at providing new options for government to tackle the big issues in the National Electricity Market that have not been adequately addressed over the past decade. If left unaddressed, these issues threaten to derail the Australian electricity industry and consequently the Australian economy in the near future.

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HV Generator earthing and circulating currents in large cable networks - Jason Mayer

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Hydrogen Park South Australia

This Australian Gas Infrastructure Group project is located in the Tonsley Innovation District.  Hydrogen Park South Australia (HyP SA) is an innovative energy project that will produce hydrogen gas by electrolysis using renewable electricity.

The hydrogen is to be blended with natural gas and supplied to nearby homes via the existing gas network and will be trucked by Hydrogen Tube Trailers to industrial locations.

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Hydrogen Technology Clusters

This session will explore NERA’s part in the establishment of 13 regional Australian hydrogen technology clusters, set up to foster a global identity for Australian hydrogen technology and expertise, aid the development of supply chains and support the commercialisation of new technologies.

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Hydrostor's Advanced Compressed Air Energy Storage, Strathalbyn - Greg Allen

Canadian based energy company, Hydrostor, is constructing Australia’s first Advanced Compressed Air Energy Storage (A-CAES) facility at the closed Angas Zinc Mine near Strathalbyn. The 5MW/10MWh fuel-free facility will use the existing underground mine void to develop a below-ground air-storage cavern to achieve emissions free energy storage.

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Hydrostor's Advanced Compressed Air Energy Storage, Strathalbyn - Greg Allen (2)

Canadian based energy company, Hydrostor, is constructing Australia’s first Advanced Compressed Air Energy Storage (A-CAES) facility at the closed Angas Zinc Mine near Strathalbyn. The 5MW/10MWh fuel-free facility will use the existing underground mine void to develop a below-ground air-storage cavern to achieve emissions free energy storage.

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IEC 61850 - Learning From and Working Towards the Future with Digital Substations

IEC 61850 has been a widely discussed topic across the industry. Over the last couple of years Endeavour has considered, explored and implemented 61850 for one of their new substations. Join us as Endeavour shares their journey and dives into their experiences with 61850. 

The Webinar will cover:

• Endeavour Energy's history with 61850
• The drivers behind the move to process bus
• How Endeavour Energy implemented 61850 and some of the key differences
• Outcomes for the business
• The future roadmap


Ray Robinson

2010-2014 - Apprentice: primarily constructing zone and transmission substations

2014-2017 - P&C tech: from install, commission, fault find etc EE protection and control systems, including SCADA upgrades and commissioning of distribution assets e.g reclosers and LBS.

2017-2022 - Automation Specialist (SCADA): Master station and substation SCADA system configuration, maintenance plus the development of new new devices and improvements to existing systems. Led the EE SCADA team through the integration of the ADMS and MOSAIC systems.

2022-current - Development Manager Secondary Systems: lead the R&D efforts of digital substations, further ADMS migration of SCADA functions, standards and procedures for our protection and control technologists. Secondary Systems lead for the CWO REZ looking after protection, SCADA, wide are communications, revenue metering and control centre SCADA.

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Impact of Emerging Technology on System Operations - Cameron Parrotte

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Impact of Inverter Based Generators in Present Short Circuit Protections Systems

The presentation is about the impact of inverter-based generators in present Short-Ciruit protection systems.The presentation looks at a number for cases where the inverter based generator are feeding faults and its effects on the current protection systems.  The presentation will also explore possible mitigation strategies to improve protection performance.


Marc Palmer – Asia Pacific Regional Technical Manager – Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories (SEL)

Marc has worked in the electrical industry for 35 years.  He gained his Electrical Registration, New Zealand  in 1989 and his Bachelors of Engineering (Electrical and Electronic) with 1st class honours from the University of Canterbury in 1994. 

Prior to working for SEL Marc worked in Generation and transmission utilities in New Zealand and the UK including Electricity Corporation of New Zealand, Mighty River Power, Meridian Energy and PowerGen UK.At Meridian Energy, he was the Senior Control and Instrumentation Consultant.  

In 2001, he joined Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories in the position of Field Application Engineer.  Marc is currently the Regional Technical Manager (Asia Pacific) for Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories.  Since 2007 Marc has been a guest lecturer at University of Canterbury’s Engineering School in the field of Power System Protection. 

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Industrial Risk Assessment Case Study: Transformers - David Hawkins, Dedrie Beukes

Major losses involving large oil-cooled transformers occur causing costly and dangerous transformer fires. A “Whole Of Life” Asset Managing Approach is required incorporating risk assessments, focussing on prevention of and protection against fire, explosion and toxic smoke release events. The seminar provides an overview of a range of risk assessment processes available followed by the causes and consequences of oil-cooled transformer fires.

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Innovation in Energy - Startups

Decarbonisation, Decentralisation and Digitisation are three of the key themes driving change and innovation in the energy sector across the globe. Today’s session will deep dive into one component of the energy innovation ecosystem - startups. EnergyLab is Australia and New Zealand's largest cleantech startup accelerator and network dedicated to the clean energy transition. During this session Megan and Riley from EnergyLab will share insights on how startups are driving innovation in the energy sector.


Megan Fisher | Advisor - Industry Engagement | EnergyLab

Megan is a product developer from way back and has experience sponsoring and leading large innovations and transformations that are product, people, process and technology focused. Megan has experienced a number of industries in the midst of transformation and disruption including print media being disrupted by digital and the transition to renewable technologies in the energy industry. She enjoys working with startups and has mentored and supported startups through the CSIRO ON Program, EnergyLab, Free Electrons, startupbootcamp and SheEO.

Riley McAuliffe | Senior Manager, Scaleup Program | EnergyLab

Riley runs EnergyLab’s Scaleup Program, an industry led program that connects utilities with the startups that can help them achieve their strategic and innovation goals. Her strengths lay in understanding startups and utilities, and helping them to build relationships and bridge the gap between large companies and risk-tolerant entrepreneurs. Before EnergyLab, Riley was an environmental engineer at GHD, completed a Master of Environment (Climate Change stream) at the University of Melbourne and led delegations of young professionals to United Nations forums including COP21 in Paris.

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Insulation Co-ordination for Transmission & Distribution Equipment

EESA is pleased to present Colin Lee, a long-time electricity industry professional, who will present on the topic of Insulation Coordination.

Insulation coordination encompasses the studies and steps used to select the insulation strength of electrical equipment so that it can survive the operating and transient overvoltages (from lightning and switching) which it is subjected to over its life. A good knowledge of insulation coordination will generally lead to the optimal amount of insulation, but to adequately address lightning strikes some form of overvoltage protection is still required, such as the installation of shielded earthwires or surge arresters.

Colin will go through the insulation coordination principles outlined in the various standards and how to apply it using worked examples to select the insulation requirements for transmission and distribution equipment.

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Integrating Rooftop Solar in the SA Power System: Normal and Islanded Operation


South Australia is the first regional power system in the world to produce sufficient solar energy to meet its total demand. The majority of this energy was generated on rooftops and shared through the State’s distribution network.  This presentation describes how SA Power Networks has responded to the challenges of solar integration into the power grid.  The challenges during abnormal system events such as the SA islanding event in November 2022 are also covered.


Cathryn McDonald, Network Optimisation Engineer, SA Power Networks

Cathryn is a graduate of the University of Adelaide.  Whilst at uni. she was awarded a bursary by the Australian Power Institute.  On completion of her degree Cathryn was recruited by SA Power Networks, has progressed in her career and is now their Network Optimisation Manager.  She has worked on the implementation of the SA Government’s Smarter Homes remote disconnect/reconnect requirements and also gained much experience managing SA Power Networks’ minimum demand response.


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Intelligent DER Management - Onsow DER Project

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International Developments in Nuclear Power

The aim of this webinar is to educate and inform on the latest developments in nuclear power: 

  • Recent rapid changes in global and international policy settings and indicators.
  • The development and status of new technologies - smaller modular reactors; advanced fuel cycles, including advanced safety cases
  • Waste management state of play and clean energy attributes
  • Nuclear technology in integrated clean energy systems – load following, pairing with storage, non-electrical and future needs.

Dr Ben Heard, Frazer-Nash Consultancy

A Senior Consultant, and Adjunct Associate Professor for Charles Sturt University, Ben has delivered reviews of economic opportunities in the nuclear fuel cycle, proposals for advanced reactor and recycling projects, and a review of the environmental performance of the Australian uranium sector. He has authored award-winning and highly shared peer-reviewed papers discussing the challenges of energy transitions, and holds the curious distinction of having attending the climate change Conference of Parties as both protestor and presenter. Known for his effective communication and synthesis of information on this broad and complex topic, Ben is a sought-after presenter and analyst. He has featured in film, television, podcasts and print to provide frank and factual exploration of our present relationship and possible futures with nuclear technologies.

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International Nuclear Power Developments

The presentation discusses the current situation with nuclear generation throughout the world, the development of small nuclear reactors and the current status, the place of nuclear in decarbonising electricity generation throughout the world and a comparison with other technologies, what would be required to achieve new build of nuclear power plants, and addresses the safety issues associated with nuclear power.

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Introduction to High Voltage DC Power Transmission - Stephen Butler

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Introduction to Lightning Protection for Substations - Malcolm Davies - slides

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Introduction to Tap-Changers - Thomas Smolka

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Inverter Operation in Weak Networks with Virtual Synchronous Generator

Advanced Inverter Technologies provide an alternative to traditional synchronous generators and synchronous condensers for system strength remediation. From our field experience of applying inverter technologies over decades we will share information on main characteristics of advanced inverter technologies as virtual synchronous generators as well as model simulation tools which can be used for simulation and validation.

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Key aspects for running successful projects

The presentation summarises key project management considerations for planning the delivery of successful projects on the network, -common pitfalls, and best practice risk management/safety approaches. the presentation also discusses the criticality of outage management with Electranet and its impact on the delivery of successful projects.

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Key Strategies for Maximising Transformer Life

The life expectancy and maintenance costs of power transformers are greatly affected by temperature, moisture and oxygen. This presentation describes how these issues can be addressed at the time of specification and during the transformer’s life to extend the service life of power transformers.

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Large Dynamic Connections

Ausgrid’s Large Dynamic Connections (LDC) project aims to deliver customer connection products which leverage emerging technologies to overcome traditional network constraints and provide efficient alternatives to traditional connection options.

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Large Scale Battery Storage in the Evolving Power System: Developments and Future Trends

This presentation explores battery storage systems to provide a wide range of power system services, including inertia, system strength, network loading control, system restart and enhanced voltage control services. It also examines the development of sophisticated business cases to optimise such services against other market opportunities.

Steve Wilson, Power Generation Capability Leader, Aurecon

Steve is a master of energy storage development to enable increased renewable energy. He is a leader in Australia’s emerging battery energy storage industry, having provided technical oversight to multiple large scale batteries projects that are now operational, under construction or procurement, including the Hornsdale Power Reserve. He has also led development of a sophisticated techno-economic modelling tool for NEM connected energy storage projects.

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Large-scale battery storage in the evolving power system – developments and future trends

Large-scale battery energy storage systems are already providing a range of valuable services to the National Electricity Market. These are incredibly flexible assets, highly configurable in the value stack they can provide, and in the support they offer to the national grid.

As the penetration of variable renewable energy increases in coming years, and the synchronous generation fleet retires, the power system will face continued and emerging challenges; issues such as declining inertia and system strength, the evolving renewable energy zone and transmission landscape, and the changing generation profile to meet demand. Large-scale batteries are poised to play in an increasingly crucial role in the electricity grid of the future. This presentation will show how large-scale battery storage is the Swiss Army Knife of the renewables transition. 

Costs are falling and energy market prices evolving in favour battery projects. Yet building a commercial business case for a grid scale battery remains a challenging feat. It will need a careful eye on regulatory reform and market opportunities, along with increasing sophistication in how the technical capabilities of batteries can best be commercially deployed to provide maximum value. Insights will be presented into these evolving opportunities to build a value-stacked business case, including the key technical and commercial interrelations that can drive best project outcomes.


Steve Wilson is a leading expert in battery energy storage and hybrid power systems. As a recognised innovator in these fields he is focussed on supporting a secure and reliable transition to a low-carbon future. Steve specialises in advisory, project definition, development, procurement and execution of standalone and hybrid renewable energy and storage projects. His expertise in battery storage includes technology capabilities, power system integration, energy market participation, regulatory reform and business case development. He provides technical oversight to battery storage projects, analysis and strategic advice across government and private sectors.  

Steve’s battery and hybrid power generation experience includes both large grid-connected systems and smaller systems for isolated networks, executed with a range of delivery models. Among many battery storage roles, he was the lead technical adviser to the South Australian Government for the Hornsdale Power Reserve project from project conception through to final testing.

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Latest Developments in the National Electricity Market

This presentation covers the latest (2015) operational and planning developments of the National Electricity Market. Information on current supply/demand issues, changes that are occurring and the challenges of the future are included.

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Life Cycle Analyses of Alternative Transformer Oils

Life Cycle Assessment is a fundamental tool for companies working towards net zero emissions and will support them in achieving and reporting on their ESG performance (Environmental Social Governance), especially in the context of Australia mandatory climate reporting planned to commence in 2024.  This presentation compares the environmental footprint (and not just CO2) of mineral transformer oil, natural ester and synthetic ester through a “cradle to grave” LCA in line with ISO 14040/14044 standards.  It brings some light on the essential role of the circular economy while avoiding any green washing for the benefit of asset manufacturers, owners and operators having to balance technical performance, asset life and environmental footprint.

Philippe Reboul, Managing Director, Molekulis Pty. Ltd  Philippe completed his MEng in general engineering from Ecole Centrale de Lyon, France and his MSc (Honours) in Material and Surface Science at Lyon University.  Prior to Molekulis, Philippe was general manager of Nynas Australia and has been involved in transformer oil in Australia since 2012.  Philippe is an active contributor to EESA, Cigre Australia (A2 panel), Cigre NZ and the Australasian Transformer Innovation Centre at the University of Queensland.  Philippe also sits on Standards Australia EL-008 Power Transformer 

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Load Control of Plug-in Electric Vehicles for Enhanced Power System Responsiveness

Responsive load control offers a particularly effective approach to compensating for the variability inherent in large-scale renewable generation, and mitigating the effects of generation and transmission outages. Furthermore, as plug-in electric vehicles grow in popularity, scheduling their charging load will become vitally important to prevent local overloads, and to ensure optimal use of generation resources. Fortunately expansive communications networks and advances in distributed control algorithms facilitate precise, non-disruptive forms of load control.

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Long term performance of vegetable oils as power transformer insulation - an EESA and IEEE Collaboration


Essential Energy’s experience of using vegetable oils as transformer insulation fluids over the last twenty years.

In NSW power transformers containing vegetable oils as insulation have been in use since 2004. These are among the first transformers using this fluid worldwide, and so provide an exceptional dataset as there is not much data available in the public domain with this level of longevity.

Starting in 2007 this was Dan’s first post-PhD industry project, to evaluate the early life of these units and form a list of recommendations to update asset management policies.


  • Now that these earliest units are starting to enter mid-life, this webinar will revisit their performance to understand how to continue to manage them, and any key differences from mineral oil.
  • A key overview of the presenter's experience will be given, to help the industry understand how to manage electrical assets containing these fluids.

Presenter Overview

Dr Daniel Martin is a chartered professional engineer, and a registered professional engineer of Queensland, with over 20 years of experience in electrical systems. He has a Master of engineering project management from University of Auckland, a PhD in electrical engineering from University of Manchester, and a Bachelor of electrical and electronic engineering from University of Brighton.

He is a chartered member of Engineering New Zealand and a senior IEEE member. He is the Treasurer of CIGRE New Zealand and their A2 power transformers and reactors convener.

He is a senior engineer at Essential Energy, which is a state-owned electricity infrastructure company in Australia, working in zone substations.

Before, he was the innovation engineer at ETEL transformers, a manufacturer in Auckland, and has been a lecturer in power systems at University of Queensland. He was also the Director of the centre for power transformer monitoring at Monash University 2010 to 2012.

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MathWorks - Integrating EVs at Scale with the Electric Grid

Webinar Overview

What happens when two critical sectors of the society we have created come together?  Whether we realize it yet or not, we are going to witness this phenomenon over the next ten years as the electricity and transportation sectors come together in a new way.  It is up to us— professionals in the electric grid and automotive sectors — to develop the technology to ensure that the merging of these two sectors will result in each becoming stronger. This presentation will discuss trends in both the electrified transportation sector and the grid. Potential ways to enable a symbiotic evolution of these sectors will be presented.

For more info info on work that MathWorks' is doing in the space check out their website:


Manish Mohanpurkar, PhD, SMIEEE - Senior Scientist - NREL

Manish Mohanpurkar is an R&D expert with leadership experience in emerging technologies in the electrified transportation and power grid. For the past 3 years, he served as a Technology Advisor for the Grid and Infrastructure Program (‘Electrified Transportation’) at the Vehicle Technologies Office, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Provided technical leadership for Grid and Infrastructure program with focus on smart charge management, high power charging, and cyberphysical security. Recently he joined the National Renewable Energy Laboratory as a Senior Scientist. He has 12+ years experience in grid modernization with microgrids, electric vehicles, power electronics, hydropower, and distributed energy resources. Extensive expertise includes hardware-in-the-loop, real-time simulations, dynamic and transient analysis,and multi-domain co-simulation.   Earned Ph.D.(2013) from Colorado State University, M.S. (2010) from Oklahoma State University, and Bachelor of Engineering (2008), Aurangabad, India, all in the field of Electrical Engineering. Authored 45+ papers and an IEEE senior member.

Ruth-Anne Marchant -Senior Application Engineer, MathWorks

Ruth-Anne Marchant is a Senior Application Engineer specializing in Simulink, and Model-Based Design. Since joining MathWorks in 2015, her focus is on supporting customers adopt Model-Based Design with Simulink. Prior to joining MathWorks, Ruth-Anne worked in the Canadian aerospace industry as a control systems engineer. Ruth-Anne holds a BASc in computer engineering and an MASc in electrical and computer engineering, both from the University of Waterloo, Canada, specializing in control systems.

Wilco Volwerk - Energy and Mining Industry Manager, MathWorks

Wilco Volwerk is the Energy and Mining industry manager for MathWorks Australia. He has been with MathWorks for over 20 years, working with customers in a variety of industries. Prior to MathWorks he executed and managed research project at Netherlands Organisation for Applied Science.  Wilco holds a M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics from the Delft University of Technology.

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Minimum Energy Performance Standards - David Hawkins, Dedrie Beukes

The Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) are mandatory specifications, enforced through national legislation, which set minimum energy performance requirements for energy-using devices. MEPS cover both locally produced and imported products supplied in the Australian market, including items imported as components within larger machinery equipment. This presentation will describe how the performance standards relating to transformers and motors are applied.

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Modelling Future Fuel Options for Australia (Predominantly Hydrogen)

The Future Fuels Cooperative Research Centre (FFCRC) has commissioned a report to use a Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) economic model to inform on questions about the role of “future fuels” in the greenhouse gas emission reduction strategies.  “Future fuels” in this context are those fuels that can be produced and used without the emissions of greenhouse gases. The main gas explored in the report and modelling is hydrogen. 

The report investigates the regional and national implications of the introduction of hydrogen to Australia’s energy mix in scenarios achieving a 60% and a 100% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. 

The presentation will provide an overview of the methodology used, assumptions made, the detailed regional findings, and the conclusions drawn.

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Modern Power Systems + 2022 Victorian Chapter AGM

Victorian Chapter AGM. Join us for an update on your Victorian Chapter and learn about the exciting changes happening.  Fantastic technical presentation covering critical power system topics and a brief touch on the AEMO 2022 ISP to follow the AGM.

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Modular Switch Buildings, Lessons from Practical Rollouts and Value Engineering

The following content will be covered by the presentation:

  • Brick Built Vs Modular Switch Building constructions ‚Äì drivers for change
  • Outline of modular concepts
  • Additional design/construction considerations
  • Lessons learned from earlier modular constructions
  • Benefits realised to date
  • Further opportunities for optimisation:
    • Rackable versus Fixed Pattern Switchgear options
    • Elevated Buildings Versus Cable Basement
    • Interconnections via Resin Encapsulated Bus
    • Secondary equipment optimisation


Natural Ester Dielectric Fluid for the Utility of the Future

As the unrelenting pursuit of decarbonization continues to intensify, utilities of the future must contend with the dual challenges of meeting the huge increase in electricity demand due to electrification of the transport system and the changeable, modular, and non-synchronous nature of distributed renewable energy resources. 

Based on relevant studies and users’ experience demonstrating the proven value propositions in improving safety, sustainability, reliability and resilience of the transformers fleet and power grids, this webinar examines why natural ester dielectric fluid has what it takes to be a key enabler for the utility of the future to meet the growing socio-economic needs in the new energy world. 


Kin Yu LAM (Dr.) 

Kin Yu is currently the South East Asia and Pacific Regional Technical Service Representative with the Dielectric Solution business of Cargill Bioindustrial based in Singapore. Kin Yu holds a bachelor and a doctorate degree in chemistry from the Newcastle University in the United Kingdom. Prior to joining Cargill, Kin Yu has over twenty years of experience in the lubricants business, holding various technical and managerial positions in charge of product development, technical support and training, as well as product compliance and quality management. Kin Yu is married with one daughter, and during his leisure time he enjoys dining, traveling, reading and hanging out with friends

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Neoen Goyder Wind Farm and Blyth Battery

Summary: The 200MW/400MWh Blyth West Battery will be deployed to firm wind energy from the 412MW Goyder South Stage 1 Wind Farm1 to deliver a 70 MW renewable energy baseload contract to BHP for the Olympic Dam Mine.

Tom Jenkins, State Leader South Australia & Tasmania,  Tom graduated from the ANU in 2015 with a combined degree in Arts/Law (Hons). After a brief period at Herbert Smith Freehills, he joined Neoen in 2017 and participated in the establishment of the groundbreaking Hornsdale Power Reserve battery project. Together with then-State Leader Megan Ward, he also led the development of the company’s flagship multi-billion dollar Goyder Renewables Zone from inception in 2018 through to Stage 1 construction commencement in 2022.

Tom Daly, Senior Project Development Manager  Tom is a Project Manager and Electrical Engineer with 10+ years’ experience in the power industry in Australia and abroad. Spending time at ElectraNet, CPP and AECOM, he has a broad range of experience delivering projects from the perspective of a Network Operator, Contractor, Consultant and Client. At Neoen he is responsible for leading the development of some of the largest and most ambitious wind, solar and battery storage projects in the country

Jeremy Lloyd – Portfolio Optimisation Manager  With 8 years’ experience as an engineer in Australia’s clean energy industry, Jeremy has worked to commercialise Neoen's new developments including the Victorian Big Battery, the Capital Battery and Virtual Battery Agreement, synthetic inertia from the Hornsdale Power Reserve, and ancillary services dispatch at the Hornsdale Wind Farms.  Jeremy is a member of Neoen’s energy management team and manages the systems optimising the real-time operation of Neoen’s portfolio.

Bauke van Gent – Commercial Leader  Bauke has over 12 years’ experience in building networks & delivering value within the (renewable) energy landscapes. Navigating and leading negotiations between stakeholders in Texas, Japan, China, and the Philippines.  At Neoen Bauke is the Commercial Leader of Neoen in Australia, leading our offtake negotiations, and member of the energy management team.

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Net Zero - Autonomous Networks for the Future

Net Zero - Autonomous Networks for the Future

The seminar covered:

  • Solutions and challenges facing industry in WA to transition to a decarbonized future.
  • Technical solutions for the WA energy systems, plans to develop a network for the future.
  • Presentations on microgrids that can operate with minimal direct control and meet the requirements of Net Zero.

Speakers will discuss objectives to achieve the following:

  • High levels of renewable energy penetration
  • Management of grid stability
  • Local control system philosophy
  • Pre-planned designed and operational storage and Renewable Energy triggered by price and system operations control

Key Note Speakers

  • Jai Thomas, EPWA - The Future of WA Energy
  • David Fyfe, Synergy - How will Synergy respond to new energy requirements.


Geoff Bongers, Gamma Technology

What does the Total System Cost have to do with Tomorrow’s Grid?

Dean Sharifi, AEMO

Are we prepared for a Net Zero Emissions Future?

Robert Parker, Nuclear for Climate

A Nuclear Energy Plan: will it economically and environmentally benefit Australia?

PANEL – Navigating Grid Integration, Stability and Security of WA Electricity Supply

Leksmi Jaya Mohan, GHD – Moderator                  Dora Guzeleva, EPWA

Shane Duryea, Western Power                                Teresa Smit, AEMO

Nee Nee Ong, GHD

Why Automate our networks: Are we prepared for a Net Zero Emissions Future?

James Fletcher, Western Power

GTEng (WP GT Engine): Improving Modelling Practices for Transmission Network Planning in the SWIS

David Stephens, Horizon Power

Microgrid Frequency Control

Peter Condon, Water Corporation

Water & Power Can Mix: How WaterCorp is supporting the Net Zero Energy Future.

David Edwards, Horizon Power

Future Technology and Innovation in Regional Microgrids

Mohamed Miyanji, Western Power

Managing the Distribution Network in a High Distributed Energy Resources (DER) future:  Providing a platform for increasing customer value to participate in new energy services 

Barrett Moulds, Sustainable Engineering Society

Shadow Carbon Value

Dr Robert Barr, Electric Power Consulting Pty Ltd

System Challenges Towards Net Zero

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Network Value from Advanced Customer Metering

EESA is pleased to present David Sheppard of Energy Queensland who will present one Network Value from Advanced Metering Infrastructure.

In 2013‚ COAG handed to AER the charter to role out domestic smart meters. In Dec 2017 the Retailer lead model of metering rollout was adopted, and the domestic advanced meter market deployments were initiated. Now 2 years on significant volumes of advanced meters are deployed and continue to be deployed. The presentation outlines the opportunities for Networks to leverage these values and achieve significant cost savings and customer safety and services improvements.

The talk will cover:

  • Origins of Advanced Meter Rollout.
  • Deployment of Advanced Meter Volumes and the network capabilities to be unlocked.


NSW Electricity Check Up Presentation and Networking Slides

A review on the NSW electricity roadmap framework and associated energy policy with an evaluation on progress to date with a Q&A session, followed by a relaxed social with drinks and eats. Short Address by EESA corporate sponsors. 

Targeted Learning Outcomes

  • The NSW electrical policies and what’s instore for the NSW electrical network going forwards.

  • What’s expected to work and what could be viewed as ambitious. 

  • Opportunity to network with other likeminded electrical engineers in the state interested and experienced on the topic


Cameron O'Reilly

Associate Director of the Energy Practice, Marsden Jacob Associates

Cameron O’Reilly is an energy and public policy specialist who joined Marsden Jacob Associates in 2021 after holding senior energy policy roles with the NSW Government. He was formerly the Chief Executive of the Energy Retailers Association. In 2023 he led the Marsden Jacob team that undertook the NSW Electricity Supply and Reliability Check Up. The Check Up made 54 recommendations to the state government, of which 47 were accepted in part or full. In 2008 Cameron was awarded a Fulbright Professional Scholarship for a comparative policy study of the impact of emissions reduction policies in the US and Australia.

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Nuclear Energy Forum Introduction

Introductory Slides from Terry Krieg for the Nuclear Energy Forum

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Nuclear Power – Status, Concerns and Opportunities for Deployment in Australia

This presentation addresses concerns about safety and environmental factors of nuclear power and describes the advantages for networks and for cabon emissions reduction.

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Nuclear Power Status and Focus on Small Reactors

Ian Hore-Lacy, Senior Research Analyst for the World Nuclear Association, describes the development status of  the new technologies which are likely to be the future of nuclear power, including new generation, smaller nuclear reactors.  Ian also covers improvements in safety, environmental and load following designs.

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Nuclear Technology and Energy Security

This event features presentations by Dr. Adi Paterson, the CEO of ANSTO, who will discuss 'Australian Nuclear Science and Energy', along with Louis Tirpou, the Group Manager of AEMO who will outline 'Emerging Technologies and its Effect on Demand.'

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Onslow Power Infrastructure Upgrade - Laurie Curro Horizon Power

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Operation of the Tasmanian power system with a high level of inverter based resources (IBR)

The presentation will review the current operation of the Tasmanian power system now that 568 MW of wind capacity is installed and in commercial service.  We will look at some of the more extreme operating conditions that have been experienced to date and discuss the challenges that have needed to be addressed to maintain power system security with a minimum number of synchronous generators online.  Using this knowledge and understanding, we will look forward and consider what a potential doubling of wind generation could mean to Tasmania and how such a situation could be managed, including opportunities to introduce new technologies and solutions that have not yet been utilised in the Tasmanian region.


Andrew Halley

Andrew is the Principal Operations Engineer at TasNetworks and has been employed within the Tasmanian electricity industry since 1998.  The responsibilities of his current role include providing technical leadership within the network planning and performance group as well as providing real time support to the transmission and distribution control rooms. Andrew has been directly involved with the design, commissioning and testing of all but one of Tasmania’s existing wind farms and is currently assisting with planning activities associated with connecting large scale hydrogen plants in Tasmania (which may promote the development of even more wind resources!).  Andrew is currently the Convenor of CIGRE Australia Panel AU-C4 (Power System Technical Performance) and is the Australian representative on the corresponding International Study Committee. His professional interests include power system dynamics, the future of the National Electricity Market, and the development of quality graduate engineers.

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Optimal PPE for Arc Flash Protection

The presentation provides an analysis of the results of arc flash tests on mannequins wearing a range of different items of protective clothing

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Optimising Transformer Performance Event Recording


Attendees will learn:

  • Key findings from extensive research and case studies with explanations of how the use of natural ester dielectric fluid enhances transformer life and reliability and deliver tangible benefits to power grid operation.

Bio of Speaker

Kin Yu is currently the South East Asia and Pacific Regional Application Engineering Leader with the Power Systems business of Cargill Bioindustrial based in Singapore. Kin Yu holds a bachelor and a doctorate degree in chemistry from Newcastle University in the United Kingdom. Prior to joining Cargill, Kin Yu has over twenty years of experience in the lubricants business, holding various technical and managerial positions related to product development, technical support, product compliance and quality management. Kin Yu is married with one daughter, and during his leisure time he enjoys traveling, reading and hanging out with friends and family.


Cargill is a family company providing food, ingredients, agricultural solutions and industrial products that are vital for living. We connect farmers with markets so they can prosper. We connect customers with ingredients so they can make meals people love. And we connect families with daily essentials — from eggs to edible oils, salt to skincare, feed to alternative fuel.

Today, the need to make our food system more sustainable and resilient is urgent. Sitting at the heart of the global supply chain, we have a unique ability, and responsibility, to help. Through new innovations, strategic partnerships, and 159 years of experience, we help businesses grow, and communities and people around the world flourish — today, and for generations to come.

Cargill is a Gold EESA Corporate Member.

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Overview of Offshore Wind Farms

Following the implementation of the Offshore Electricity Infrastructure (OEI) Act and as interest in offshore wind generates across Australia, this presentation delivered by Paul Cann who is an Associate at Aurecon, will outline the fundamentals of offshore wind farms and outline key differences between offshore wind and onshore wind technologies. Aspects such as capacity factors, technologies, environment, schedule, cost, vessels and insights into construction sequencing will be discussed. The presentation will be followed by a Q&A with time for discussions. 

Paul Cann

Paul Cann is the head of Aurecon’s Offshore Wind team, and leads multi-disciplinary experts to design and deliver other major renewable energy projects.

Paul has extensive people and project management experience across the pre-feasibility project phase, all the way through to operations and maintenance. He has worked on world-leading offshore wind projects in Europe and Australasia, supporting developers including Ørsted, Equinor and Iberdrola to realise and deliver fully operational projects.

Outside of the offshore wind industry, and since moving to Australia from the UK, Paul has supported Australian projects across a variety of generation technologies, including onshore wind, solar PV, and large-scale battery energy storage systems.

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Palmerston to Waddamana Transmission Tower Failure

In October 2022, Tasmania experienced high rainfalls and flooding across much of the state.  This event occurred late in the winter season with brimming streams and rivers, waterlogged ground and full dams, resulting in localised storm cells creating areas of extreme flooding.  One such area was the central highlands of Tasmania, around the Great Lake and the home of a significant transmission corridor between the north and south of the state.  Flash flooding did occur in this remote and mountainous part of the state, damaging the foundations of a transmission line tower, crippling the transmission line. In this presentation we will detail the damage sustained and the effort required, in restoring the Tasmanian north-south transmission link.

A second presentation is to follow, which will explore the challenges this double line outage created in maintaining the Tasmanian system.


Angus Ketley has over 3 decades of experience working with Transmission lines. Working in environmental assessment, design and route selection, specification and construction. Over the last 14 years he has been primarily responsible for the asset management of Tasmania’s overhead Transmission network. In late 2022 Angus oversaw the failure and recovery from one of Tasmania’s largest contingent events to have impacted the transmission system in recent years.

Jak Murphy has been working at TasNetworks in the overhead asset engineering team for the past few years, predominantly focused on the transmission network. Jak was a key member of this project, acting as a project engineer involved in the design, construction and commissioning of the new network configuration.

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Patent System and IP basics for Engineers

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PD Monitoring and Asset Management on HV Accessories

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Peer-to-Peer’ Trading of Electricity

‘Peer-to-Peer’ energy trading is a digital marketplace, where consumers and producers of renewable energy trade energy directly, without the need for an intermediary.

Dr Vivek Bhandari, Chief Technology Officer for Powerledger ,will describe how their ‘peer-to-peer’ trading system works, and its potential in the energy marketplace. Vivek will share a case study of a current residential project in Fremantle, that is using Powerledger's blockchain technology to track the transactions of rooftop solar energy traded within the local community.

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Planning for a Carbon Constrained Future - Paul Hyslop - slides

This seminar provides a National perspective, with comment on South Australian implications, of the future profiles in electricity generation, taking planned carbon level constraints and government sponsored programs and penalties into consideration. ACIL Tasman’s work in forecasting the electricity market dynamics, impacts and future energy profiles to achieve target carbon emissions levels is summarised.

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Power Factor and Power Factor Correction, Knowing It and Understanding Why We Should Care About It

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Power Generator Designs: the Subtleties and the Essential Aspects - 17th July 2024 - Presentation

Power generators are the heart of mostly all electricity generating systems. Mechanically rotating a magnetic field inside a copper coil, phenomenally generates electric power.

The construction of these rotating machines has not changed too much from when they were invented, over a 100 years ago, actually closer to 200 years ago. We will discuss the different types of power generators, those being wind turbine, hydro generators, diesel and steam driven and there inner most winding designs on both stators and rotors. Are they multi turn diamond coils or roebel transpositioned single turn half bars.

Two(2) case studies will be presented:

  1. A water cooled 660Mw stator winding uprated to 700Mw.
  2. A hydro generator refurbishment project

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Power Transformers Specification Interactions with Optimization & Performance - Rob Miledge

An overview of all the specifications relevant to power transformers, considerations, interactions between the specifications, useful tips, and parameters recommended to be specified. Presented by Rob Miledge, of ABB.

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Powering Sydney’s Future

Transmission planning for electricity supply to Sydney area

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Project Edith - Renewable Energy Optimisation

Winner of ENA Industry Innovation Award 2023, Project Edith showcases how the grid can facilitate the participation of green energy solutions in the energy market while staying within distribution network capacity limits. Edith exemplifies the opportunities to optimise network investment by focusing on intelligent systems, resulting in lower energy costs for all.

Andy Dunne, Product Lead at Ausgrid:

Andy leads product development at Ausgrid, focusing on services that promote local clean energy solutions to accelerate the transition to net zero. Previously, he was Ausgrid's Net Zero lead, where he developed strategies and supported teams in achieving emissions reduction goals. Andy's experience spans roles in the energy technology sector, including work on EV charging, emissions reporting, and government initiatives for net zero and energy efficiency.

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PUMPED-UP WALPOLE - ENERGY STORAGE Challenges for Grid Connection and Power Quality

Developments of Walpole pumped storage
Walpole Pumped Storage is a facility that stores energy in the form of water. It is located in Western Australia and is operated by Power Research and Development in partnership with Western Power. The facility is supported by the WA State Government’s Clean Energy Future Fund, it is connected at the edge of grid, has capacity of 1.5 MW and is capable of generating electricity for up to six hours. It consists of two reservoirs, one at a higher elevation than the other. During times of low demand, water is pumped from the lower reservoir to the upper reservoir. When demand is high, the water is released back to the lower reservoir, generating electricity in the process. The facility plays an important role in edge of grid power quality and reliability, plus it contributes to balancing the electricity grid and ensuring a stable supply of energy. This presentation discusses the development of a small-scale pumped hydro energy storage facility that is currently being constructed for the town of Walpole, Western Australia. With a capacity of 1.5 MW, this community-scale pumped hydro energy storage system offers significant opportunities for network operators and users. However, it also presents significant challenges, which Colin will discuss in detail. Specifically, he will focus on power system engineering, grid connection, and delivering utility-standard power quality.

Learning outcomes
In this presentation you will learn:
• How pumped storage can be scaled to the community that it is supplying.
• Energy economics for small scale projects.
• Challenges involved in grid connections and delivering utility standard power quality.

About the speaker
Colin Stonehouse - Ames Associates
Colin is an experienced power project developer, conceiving and delivering many complex power projects. He is the recipient of a number of scholarships including the Institution of Engineers AC Waters scholarship and the Vincent Fairfax ethics in leadership fellowship. Colin’s early professional background was in power system engineering, specialising in network integration, system stability and energy economics. He has post-graduate qualifications focussed on strategy, a number of power-sector leadership roles with major companies and funding providers, including governance and subject matter expert roles for Korda Mentha, Rothschilds, NAB, Mitsubishi, Macquarie, Rio Tinto and others. His diverse lead roles cover more than l,000MW of new power generation projects, interconnecting a number of large private grids to the Southwest Interconnected System in Western Australia, plus smaller scale microgrids relevant to the Pumped-Up Walpole project.


Qld Chapter to revise this item (1)

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Qld Chapter to revise this item (2)

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Queensland Pumped Hydro

The Pioneer-Burdekin Pumped Hydro project is a key deliverable as part of Queensland Government’s Energy and Jobs Plan. As the transition to renewables accelerates, reliable and stable energy supply cannot be achieved without large-scale storage and on-demand generation. Trish Auld, Project Director at Queensland Hydro will talk through the Queensland electricity system, key elements of pumped hydro, and the Pioneer-Burdekin project.

Trish Auld 

Trish is the Project Director of the proposed Pioneer-Burdekin Pumped Hydro project. Trish has more than 15 years experience developing and delivering large scale energy infrastructure, renewable energy generation, and risk management projects across Australia, United States (US), United Kingdom (UK), and Asia-Pacific. Her experience encompasses development and delivery for electricity transmission / distribution, pumped hydro, alliance delivery, and risk management for traded commodity markets. Trish focuses her skills in the expansion of the renewable energy sector, with a Master of Science in Renewable Energy and published research in the international Renewable Energy journal. 

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QUT's Laboratory for Superconducting Research - slides

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Reaching 100% Renewable

Reaching 100% Renewables – Lessons from the world’s largest grid forming energy storage projects.

  • What is grid forming energy storage and virtual synchronous machines
  • What services can this technology provide
  • Real world results including from Dalrymple BESS
  • Next steps and future applications


Stephen Sproul

Head of Technical Sales – Microgrids & Energy Storage, Hitachi Energy

Stephen Sproul is a Chartered Engineer with over 10 years’ of experience across the power industry in Australia and other leading renewable markets such as California, the UK and Italy. Stephen is currently Head of Technical Sales – Microgrids & Energy Storage with Hitachi ABB Power Grids. He works closely with customers to implement solutions that achieve better commercial outcomes and supports the clean energy transition in both grid connected and isolated power system applications.  In particular, his focus is Virtual Synchronous Machines to support renewable interconnections on weak grids, Grid Forming energy storage, microgrid automation and other technical enablers to 100% renewable energy systems.

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Reactive Power and Voltage Management in Distribution Systems

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Real-time Simulation: The Difference for de-risking Grid Modernization Projects (Recording)

This presentation will explore the role that real-time simulators and hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) testing can have in innovative projects at electric utilities and other institutions. HIL testing allows power system professionals to de-risk the integration of novel systems, anticipate and mitigate negative interactions, and optimize device performance by connecting real devices to a simulated network. HIL testing provides a depth of analysis and systems-level testing approach that are highly beneficial, and often critical, in the modern power system. Inverter-based renewable energy resources, communication protocol-based protection and control, and other grid modernization technologies can create vulnerabilities that conventional modelling and testing processes are often blind to. Hardware-in-the-loop testing allows engineers to anticipate these issues, preventing mis operation and negative interactions which may result in outages or damaged equipment.

The RTDS® Simulator is the industry standard for real-time power system simulation. Hardware-in-the-loop testing with the RTDS Simulator has been applied by power system innovators worldwide to enable a secure global energy transition. Applications of this technology include de-risking the large-scale integration of renewable energy resources, cybersecurity testing, microgrid protection and control testing, distribution automation and intelligent switchgear testing, de-risking HVDC and FACTS integration, wide area protection and control studies, power electronics testing, and more. This presentation will explain the theory and benefits of real-time simulation, describe the hardware and software required for HIL testing, and provide examples of real-world case studies where real-time simulation has been used to the advantage of grid modernization projects.

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Rebounding and learning from a HV Cable Termination Mid-life Crisis

Powerlink Queensland first adopted XLPE cable for high voltage application in 1997. The first 275 kV installation entered service in June 1998 and in 2020, reached 22 years of operation. At this age, an operational decision to undertake extended sampling of asset condition included dissolved gas analysis.

These results indicated a potentially serious issue with gassing inside several 275 kV terminations that required urgent investigation and mitigation works to be performed. Rectification priorities were developed from risk assessments that considered safety, network operations, reputational, and financial aspects in the event of a failure and associated extended time to repair for these circuits.

The overall theme of this presentation focusses on key utility learnings from a serious degradation issue encountered for HV XLPE cable terminations. These learnings can be applied to the utilities existing fleet of HV and EHV XLPE cables and oil-filled cable terminations along with the design of new cable systems.


Glenn Stapleton has worked in the Queensland Electricity Supply Industry for close to 30 years. In this time, Glenn has held roles in the planning, high voltage testing, design, construction management and procurement for overhead and underground transmission lines in Queensland ranging from 66 kV to 500 kV.

Glenn is currently Powerlink Queensland’s Principal Engineer for Transmission Lines and Cables. He presently leads the development and application of standards for HV and EHV overhead and underground cables at Powerlink, the transmission network service provider in Queensland, Australia.

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Recent Advances in Motors and Drives Performance Assessment

The presentation covers methods for determination of electric motor efficiency, the evaluation of losses and efficiency in motor drive systems, Australia's motor efficiency regulatory framework, and new trends in the field of variable drives.

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Recording and Slides for: BESS Practice – Defining Best Practice with Grid Scale BESS Webinar


Grid scale BESS systems are currently being installed at an ever-increasing rate within the Australian grid, however as the technology evolves in scale and complexity, are Australian Standards keeping up with construction?  Projects of strategic importance have the status to enable construction however typically lack the comparable infrastructure to ensure they are meeting industry best practice.  Turning to overseas industry is fraught with issues such as grid compatibility, different operating philosophies and design beyond Australian Standards guidance.  How is it possible to benchmark construction to best practice when it is not always known?

WSP has served as Owners Engineer on some of Australia’s largest grid scale BESS projects, most notably the Waratah Super Battery, Liddell and Hazlewood BESS projects.  The two most common questions asked when developing the design and commencing construction are; will it be compliant; and have we meet industry best practice.  These simple questions have complex answers, that evolve into further questions, such as:

  • How well do the current standards cover the project?
  • How long will the installation be considered best practice?
  • Can the OEM deliver something comparable with Australian Standards?
  • How do I defend my investment if we get it wrong?

WSP’s presentation will share some real examples of making these decisions and how to achieve best practice whilst meeting Australian Standards compliance obligations.

Viewers will learn:

  • Discussion on the current state of Grid Scale BESS compliance and issues facing design and construction.
  • How to identify and define gaps and/or contradictions in standards, legislation, guidelines, etc.
  • Processes for working through gaps and contradictions.
  • Examples of Grid Scale BESS compliance issues and how these were managed.
  • Strategies for working through conflicts when compliance does not appear to be met.

Scott Mitchell | Technical Executive - Electrical Infrastructure | WSP Australia

Scott Mitchell is the Technical Executive – Electrical Infrastructure within WSP’s Energy business.  He holds degrees from the University of Newcastle & University of Queensland, is a Fellow of Engineers Australia and has over 20 years’ experience.  Scott was previously the Head of Electrical Engineering for Eraring Energy and Hunter Water.  Since joining WSP, Scott has worked on some of Australia’s largest energy storage projects including Waratah Super Battery and the Liddell BESS.  He has also led numerous transmission & electrification projects for clients in energy, water, defense and transport.  Scott is interested in leveraging experience from coal fired generation into the new energy space.

Contact Details:


LinkedIn: Scott Mitchell | LinkedIn

WSP Australia - Energy 

WSP is one of the world’s leading professional services consulting firms. Comprised of over 67,000 employees globally, we are dedicated to our local communities and propelled by international brainpower. We provide support for the world’s largest projects and work with cutting edge innovation.  The Australian energy team is comprised of three major groups covering Renewables, Generation and Transmission & Electrification.  Our services range from feasibility through to asset management, including grid connection studies, technical due diligence, detailed design and advisory services.  We can provide unique capability that is tempered by experience to every project we deliver.

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Renewable Energy Connections to the Distribution Grid

Renewable energy connection at distribution voltage levels is becoming widespread throughout the Australian electricity distribution grid. These distributed assets often have nameplate generation capacities of 5MW, and bring a set of cost optimisation challenges for protection and control.

In this presentation, we cover the switchgear, protection and controls which have been used to connect these generation assets to the distribution grid.

Case studies include the Kanowna Solar Farm and installations around Dubbo NSW, where the preference for SF6-free switchgear resulted in solid dielectric insulated switchgear selection.

Martin van der Linde is the General Manager - Marketing for international switchgear manufacturing and technology company NOJA Power. A Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, Martin completed his Bachelor of Engineering majoring in Power Systems at UQ in 2013 and Master of Business Administration in 2023. An active member of Engineers Australia and the Electric Energy Society of Australia, Martin has worked in various technical and strategic managerial roles with experience of Power system protection energy distribution, conducting business in 15 countries, authoring over 70 technical articles and presenting at 10 conferences. Martin’s key interests are in modern energy distribution, storage and automation, education, commercialisation of technology and the solving energy distribution challenges in the modern grid.

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Renewable Energy Integration in Australia, Reactive Power Requirements of the New National Electricity Rule

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Residential Energy Storage

The presentation describes the design, manufacture, and supply of high reliability Energy Storage Equipment - batteries suited for use in the domestic environment.

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Resilience is a multi-faceted concept which can be interpreted and defined in several ways by organizations around their world, based on their practices and experiences with extreme events. In the context of distribution systems, resilience can be widely defined with respect to system’s ability to withstand rare and extreme events (snow storms, hurricanes, earthquakes, terroristic attacks) and quickly recover to its pre-event resilient state.

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Risk vs Due Diligence: why a Finnish Community lobbied for a backyard reactor

Under the Australian Constitution it is the State and Territory governments, not the Commonwealth which has responsibility for energy. Victoria is one of three states (the others being New South Wales and Queensland) which have laws prohibiting nuclear power, while the other states and territories have no prohibitions. With South Australia considering the nuclear fuel cycle, and there being a possible future energy supply via the National Electricity Market (NEM), this has direct relevance to Victoria.

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S&C Electric Company: Reliability for Beginners

Distribution network providers and electric distribution system regulators use several reliability metrics to measure the reliability performance of electrical networks. These metrics include SAIDI SAIFI CAIDI MAIFI CMI and many others. If these sound like Greek to you then this is just the webinar for you! In this webinar you will learn what the definitions of these metrics are, what the significance of each metric is, common practices for improving metrics to improve customer satisfaction with electricity service, and how some of the metrics are used by regulators to penalise or incentivise network service providers to invest in network technology solutions, as well as maintenance and operation practices towards improving the reliability of their networks. In the end, some of the benefits realised by these investments can be passed on to consumers through rate reductions.

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SA Power Networks – creating the network of the future - Brendon Hampton

This presentation describes how SA Power Networks is responding to the challenges and opportunities presented by the world's highest penetration of distributed solar PV, the rise of virtual power plants, the increasing impact of storms, and the oldest assets in the National Electricity Market.

This download is the Powerpoint slides. Please see the other resource entry for the video link.

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SA Power Networks – creating the network of the future - Brendon Hampton (2)

This presentation describes how SA Power Networks is responding to the challenges and opportunities presented by the world's highest penetration of distributed solar PV, the rise of virtual power plants, the increasing impact of storms, and the oldest assets in the National Electricity Market.

This download is the video link. Please see the other resource entry for the Powerpoint slides.

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SA Power Networks – Operational Experience from a 100% Solar Network

On 11 October 2020, South Australia became the first major power system in the world to operate on 100% solar energy. The majority of this energy was generated on rooftops and shared through the State’s distribution network. Learn how SA Power Networks is responding to the challenges and opportunities presented by the world’s highest penetration of distributed solar PV.  Innovative solutions are under development to manage the power network in a manner that was not previously envisaged.

This download is the powerpoint slides. Please see other resource entry for the video link.

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SA Power Networks – Operational Experience from a 100% Solar Network (1)

On 11 October 2020, South Australia became the first major power system in the world to operate on 100% solar energy. The majority of this energy was generated on rooftops and shared through the State’s distribution network. Learn how SA Power Networks is responding to the challenges and opportunities presented by the world’s highest penetration of distributed solar PV.  Innovative solutions are under development to manage the power network in a manner that was not previously envisaged.

This download is the video link. Please see other resource entry for the powerpoint slides.

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SA System Black - Tony Marxsen - Brisbane - slides

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SA to NSW Electricity Interconnector - Rainer Korte

A description of the planning, approvals and design of the 800 MW, 330 kV A.C. transmission interconnector between South Australia and New South Wales, and the associated economic benefits. The presentation providesa big picture overview of the benefits, the project proposal and how it has been developed, the current status of the project and the next steps.

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SA to NSW Interconnector - Energising South Australia's Clean Energy Future

This presentation describes Project Energy Connect, the new high voltage electricity interconnector under construction between SA and NSW.  The speaker, Rainer Korte, will provide insights to SA’s leading role in the energy transformation and challenges arising.  Learn about construction progress on the interconnector, challenging system integration requirements, and its role in supporting a clean energy future; how it will support the development of renewable energy projects and the export of renewable energy from SA.

Rainer Korte, Chief Operating Officer, ElectraNet.

 Rainer is an Executive with over 35 years’ experience in the electricity industry who is passionate about energy transformation.  As Chief Operating Officer, Rainer is responsible for providing safe, reliable and affordable electricity transmission services to South Australian customers, now and in the future, and leading initiatives that enable the transition to a sustainable clean energy future.

Rainer holds a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering (with First Class Honours) and a Bachelor of Science and is a graduate of the London Business School Senior Executive Program.  He is a Fellow of Engineers Australia (FIEAust), a Chartered Professional Engineer (CPEng) and Engineering Executive (EngExec).

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SA Water Path to Zero Cost Energy Future (ZCEF) and the Technical Challenges

This webinar will describe SA Water’s Zero Cost Energy Future (ZCEF) Program, which aims for achieving zero net electricity costs and the technical challenges and learnings along the implementation path. Energy management is to be improved by the installation of approximately 154 MW of solar photo-voltaic (PV) generation, and 17 MW / 33 MWh of Tesla Battery energy storage. Distributed generation and storage capacity is to be installed across approximately 33 SA Water sites around the state of South Australia.

Please note the recording link will expire on 21st October 2021

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Salisbury Battery Trial - initial insights

This presentation by SA Power Networks (SAPN) describes the distributed residential battery storage systems installed in the Salisbury area in Adelaide. The presentation discusses the customer proposition, system configuration, project status, expectations for customer benefits and network impact and initial results against those expectations

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SCADA – EESA’s Fundamentals series - Peter Poulos

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Session 1 - STATCOM Equipment Capabilities and Model Validation Required to Meet AEMO Guidelines

STATCOM Technology basics, D-VAR STATCOM Hardware, D-VAR STATCOM Applicaitons and Installations, D-VAR System Control Overview, Modeling for System Studies and AEMO Model Validation

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Session 2 - Renewable Energy Integration in Australia

Reactive Power Requirements of the New National Electricty Rule

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Session 2 - Renewable Energy Integration in Australia

Reactive Power Requirements of the New National Electricty Rule

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Session 3 - STATCOM Solutions for Voltage Stability and Power Quality Problems

Defining Voltage Stability, Fualt Induced Delayed Voltage Recovery, Load Modeling - Developing a Voltage Stability Base Case, Solutions for Voltage Stability Problems, What is Power Quality? PQ-IVR System and Application of PQ-IVR System for Sag mitigation

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Session 4 - STATCOM Solutions for Voltage Management on Distribution Systems

Modern distribution grid challenges, Overview of the VVO distribution STATCOM and case study applying the VVO STATCOM

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Smart Meters

Electricity meters are the cash registers for the electricity market and are shown on many power point presentations as an induction “spinning disk” meter.  Times have moved and they have evolved into an electronic device with multiple functions linked with secure communications and Meter Data Management Systems. However, they are still installed in metal boxes and hidden from view but they are providing a growing data set that can be used by the market to improve grid security and customer satisfaction.  The presentation will provide insights into electricity metering their operation, the implementation of metering systems, and how these devices can be used in a smart manner.

Mark Bell

Mark Bell is based in Brisbane and is an Account Director for Landis + Gyr, a supplier of electricity meters and load management systems.  Initially involved in the design and implementation of load management systems in New Zealand and Australia his role has expanded into metering and metering systems.  He also has an understanding of the regulatory aspects of the National Electricty Market.

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Solar and BESS utility projects in Australia – Challenges and recommendations for the industry


FRV is a global renewable energy IPP (Independent Power Producer) with presence is 4 continents.

FRV was one of the first international solar developers to enter the Australian market and developed its first Australian solar PV project in 2011 opening the local solar market.

To date, FRV Australia has developed ~1GW of PV assets built or under construction across Australia and New Zealand.


JJ Ferrandis


JJ Ferrandis is a NER and Chartered Professional Engineer (CPEng) in the areas of Electrical Engineering and Leadership & Management.

He is a creative Industrial Engineer with specialisation in renewable energy and nearly 24 years of experience in various engineering fields, having spent the past 18 years developing, designing, and constructing solar systems in Europe and Australia.

As Head of EPC and Technical Development in his current role at FRV, JJ is responsible for estimating CAPEX and OPEX, selecting technology, completing due diligence and technical studies, and managing EPC contract negotiations for the solar and BESS projects developed and owned by FRV in Australia and New Zealand.

JJ is an inspirational leader with a passion for design, engineering, mentoring and business development.

Recording Access

To access the recording, click the "OPEN" button below you will need to fill out the registration which will automatically be approved. Use this passcode to access the recording: ^N@72Hh9

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Solar Enablement Initiative - Applying State Estimation to Distribution Networks to Facilitate a High DER Future

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Solar Enablement Initiative, State Estimation on the Distribution Network


Solar Enablement Initiative: Applying State Estimation to Distribution Networks to Facilitate a High DER Future

The Solar Enablement Initiative (SEI) is a collaborative project which has refined and applied a novel State Estimation Algorithm (SEA) across eight feeders within three Australian distribution networks to achieve a level of visibility over network performance previously unimaginable without significant capital investment. Once the state of the network is known a distribution operator can define a safe network operating envelope within which active DER can be dynamically managed, an important step to facilitate increasing levels of distributed energy resources (DER) on the network and to unlock the value of the network and DER for customers.

This presentation will demonstrate how the SEA developed in a research setting has been successfully translated into a real world industry setting as part of a small scale trial.

This presentation will cover:

  • Novel UQ-developed state estimation algorithm
  • Results of the estimator as applied to the project‚Äôs trial feeders
  • Dynamic Operating Envelopes for DER
  • Cleveland Case Study ‚Äì dynamic export from a PV system based on near real-time network conditions
  • Future work in this space


South Australia Region - System Black - Dr Tony Marxsen

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South Australian H.V. Power Network in Transition

This presentation provides an update on current and future technical challenges for the H.V. transmission network in South Australia as we move closer to 100% renewable generation in the state.  This covers issues like voltage control, system strength, variability of renewables, firming of generation, the impacts of harmonics and future issues such as preparing for electric vehicles and green hydrogen production.

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Stability of SWIS1 - Chathura Karunaratna - slides.pdf

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Stability of the SWIS - Chathura Karunaratna - audio.MP3

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Stand-alone Power System Trials

Ergon Energy Network has been trialling Stand-Alone Power Systems (SAPS) as an alternative to grid power supply at three fringe of grid locations. The purpose of the projects are to trial different SAPS technologies, in different locations with different types of customers and load profiles as an alternate to grid connected power for high cost to supply customers. Our strategy is to utilise local renewable generation and alternative technology solutions to continue to provide remote and isolated customers with access to safe, secure, affordable, reliable and efficient supply solutions into the future. 

Our three SAPS have been in operation for over a year and Sophie and Steve will share the:

drivers to transition high cost to supply grid connected customers to a SAPS;
variables that influence the design;
engineering design solution; and
challenges faced and how they were overcome.

Sophie Allen

Sophie Allen is a Senior Engineer in Ergon Energy Network and Energex’s Renewable and Distributed Energy Team. She has worked with remote off-grid and fringe of grid communities across Queensland for over 10 years conceiving, planning, developing and deploying renewable energy projects. Her current role involves assessing drivers of change, including customer needs, technology, regulation and business models for the long term supply of fringe of grid customers, particularly in remote and isolated locations on Ergon Energy’s network.




Stephen Richardson

Stephen is a Senior Technology Innovation Engineer with Ergon Energy Network working in enabling new technologies to support Queensland energy users. He has worked for over 12 years on utility scale energy storage integration and standalone power systems. He has a strong engineering knowledge coupled with an extensive data science and analytics mindset to delivery data driven designs and system monitoring solutions. 



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State of Play of National Electricity Market Developments - Rainer Korte

ElectraNet, as the South Australian Jurisdictional Planning Body, maintains a watching brief on the dynamics of the National Electricity Market and any changes in the regulatory regime. This presentation summarises the outcomes of major reviews of the national electricity market regulatory framework in response to higher power prices.

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Stepping Up To The Challenge - Professor Elizabeth Taylor

We are looking to stress the enormity of the challenges but at the same time paint a picture that it is not all “doom and gloom” and that we can meet those challenges, albeit not easily.

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Stray Currents from Light Rail (DC) Systems and the risk to Electricity Networks - Colin Lee

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Sub synchronous oscillations in power systems

Sub synchronous oscillations in power systems

With the soaring connection of power electronics converter’s generation and loads in power systems, the fundamental characteristics and dynamic behaviour of the systems are changing. The well-known natural frequencies of the system can get excited by sophisticated and now fast-acting control systems and sustain a sub nominal oscillation.

The tech talk is aimed to introduce the sub-synchronous oscillations phenomena and talk through different types, cause and effects, simulations, diagnostics, and mitigation methods. Related stability of inverter connected generation facilities will be discussed and examples will be presented of the past sub-synchronous oscillations events in South West Inter-Connected System (SWIS) and other networks.

Learning outcomes

In this presentation you will learn:

  • The phenomime of resonance in power systems and Sub synchronous resonance.
  • Sub synchronous torsional interaction.
  • Sub synchronous control interaction.
  • Symptoms, consequences and mitigation techniques.

About the Presenter

Reza Bank Tavakoli
Founder and Director, Power GieEngineering

Reza Bank Tavakoli SMIEEE MIEAust CPEng is recognised as a power system security analysis specialist and a system dynamic and electro-magnetic transient (EMT) expert. After his PhD graduation, he has worked for years in power systems planning, engineering and design and power system operations working in Iran, Germany, Ireland and Australia. Reza has a fellowship on inverter connected renewable generation operation in power systems with high renewable penetration levels from UCD, Ireland. He has worked in various industry sectors from research and development and manufacturing to utilities and industries. Reza has extensive experience in South-West Interconnected System (SWIS) planning, design, operations and security analysis. Reza has in depth understanding of WEM regulatory requirements, network access assessments, design standards, generator performance standards, testing and commissioning requirements, test plans and impact assessment on power systems. Reza is a chartered member of engineers Australia and a senior member of IEEE. He is also the recognised author and reviewer of IEEE Transactions on Power Systems and Transactions on Power Delivery.

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There have been many changes in the electric energy area over the past 50 years • More changes are continuing at an even faster pace. • This presentation underlines the need to understand all the changes that are occurring be they • technical, • market, • management or • customer • Infrastructure managers must update their knowledge, attitude and overall approach in order to be successful in the new business environment.

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Sundrop Farms Presentation

Sundrop Farms is a global leader in sustainable agriculture, and developed the Sundrop Farms project in Port Augusta. A most innovative South Australian sustainable energy project, the facility includes a 30 MW concentrated solar power system, thermal desalination, and steam-driven electricity generation integrated into 20 hectares of growing area. The document provides the information sources for what was presented at the seminar.

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Supply Chain and Asset Traceability for the Electric Grid


This webinar will provide an overview of a new IEEE-EPRI R&D program to develop a framework for creating industry standards and supporting technology to create Smart Tags and a Digital Thread of information for electrical grid assets throughout an asset's life cycle.

Ultimately the vision is to enable any user along the supply chain to scan the Smart Tag and retrieve the Digital Thread traceability data in a standardised, useable format. Users will be able to perform real-time validation and automate the process of populating systems of record with high-fidelity data to support risk mitigation and analysis in a Digital Twin.

With the majority of the IEEE work groups supported by electric utilities and manufacturers in the USA, Locusview aims to encourage support and participation in the program by Australian proponents to amplify the impact of supply chain standardisation.

Locusview was born out of the need for asset tracking and traceability through a utility regulatory requirement issued in the USA - Alicia is a leading expert in the field.



Alicia Farag

Alicia Farag is the co-founder and president of Locusview and is currently leading the development and implementation of standards and technology for supply chain and asset traceability for the energy industry. She works closely with industry associations and standards organisations to bring new technologies to market. Prior to Locusview she worked as Program Manager at the Gas Technology Institute where she led the successful development and commercialisation of several technologies for material traceability, digital as-builting, and risk modelling. She has a Civil Engineering degree from the University of Illinois and an MBA in global energy.


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SWIS Renewables Integration

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Switchgear short-circuit ratings - Patrick Arendse

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Synchronised Phasor Measurement

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Synchronism-Check Application Over a Wide-Area Network

Recent technological developments have enabled solutions to power system protection and control issues that have previously been either too difficult or too expensive to implement. Synchronising generators to the power system requires analogue and digital information from both the generator and the network. Transmitting information via copper cabling requires the power station and the point of connection to the power system to be in close proximity, but how do you achieve this when the sites are 1 kilometre or more apart?

This paper describes the first stage of a synchronism-check upgrade to the Whakamaru Power Station and its connection to the 220 kV transmission network. The paper describes the design installation, commissioning, and operation of the first stage of the scheme. The scheme has been designed to allow any of four 27 MVA hydro generators to be synchronised from any of four 220 kV line voltage transformers. The choice of hardware and the design process have allowed for future enhancements such as the addition of an autosynchroniser. The scheme has been designed to protect against the following:

  • Misoperation of the existing autosynchroniser equipment
  • Incorrect connection of the synchronising signals to the autosynchroniser
  • Manually synchronising machines out of phase

The scheme employs a real-time automation controller using IEC 61131 logic. The main unit is located at the power house and connected via 1 kilometre of single-mode fibre to the remote unit at the ODM. Analogue and digital information is transmitted between the ODM and the power house using a high-speed, industrial-based communications protocol known as EtherCAT. Synchronised sampling of the local and remote measurement units avoids the need for an external GPS clock, reducing complexity and improving the availability of the system.


Brett Hampson

Senior Application Engineer – Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories (SEL)

Brett has worked for more than 35 years in the electrical industry.  He obtained his degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the University of Auckland in 1997.  Prior to this Brett worked as an electrician in petrochemical, steel production and telecommunications fields.  After graduation, Brett moved into a consulting role and has provided power systems services in the USA, UK, Australia and NZ.

Brett began working for SEL in 2000 in the Engineering Services division in the USA.  A year or so later he accepted an application engineering role and continues to provide training and technical application support for power systems utilities and projects across the Asia-Pacific region. 


Synchronous services markets: maximising the capacity of existing transmission networks

Old synchronous generators are quickly being replaced by cleaner, cheaper providers but ones that can’t provide synchronous services that used to come for free. If only there was a way to keep receiving these services, without the pollution.

There is.

The Synchronous Services Market rule change request is designed to provide a market and dispatch mechanism alleviating emerging network constraints i.e. stability, inertia, voltage and fault level.  It is based on Tasmanian lived experience and is currently going through a consultation process with the market rule makers, with decision pending mid-2022.


Vedran Kovac 

Vedran Kovac has 20 years of experience in the energy sector, and is currently Head of Generation Operations at Hydro Tasmania. Vedran holds a Bachelor of Power Engineering and a Masters of Applied Finance.

Starting his career in network constraint analysis, he has since primarily worked in spot trading, power station control and optimisation.  Recently he led Hydro Tasmania’s “Synchronous Services Market” rule change proposal. 

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Teleprotection over IP/MPLS - Tony Odri

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The Case for Recreating Australia's Energy Market

The National Market came into existence 25 years ago with its exclusive focus on capital efficiency.  The owners of the traditional energy industry are now facing problems as result of the renewable energy revolution which operates outside the National Market. To adapt to this the regulatory framework has become considerably more complicated.  This presentation will provide an overview of the current regulatory and market difficulties and explore future potential electricity market scenarios.

  Dr. Ron Ben-David, Monash University & Principal Solrose Consulting

Dr Ron Ben-David is a Professorial Fellow with the Monash Business School and Monash Sustainable Development Institute. This role is focussed on policy, regulatory, market and institutional design. He is also Principal of Solrose Consulting.  Between 2008 and 2019, he served as full-time chair of the Essential Services Commission, Victoria’s economic regulator.  Previously Ron held roles in the Departments of Premier & Cabinet and Treasury & Finance in Victoria.  He also headed the national Secretariat for the Garnaut Climate Change Review in 2007.  Ron has written, presented and lectured on water reform, energy markets, competition policy, local government accountability, sustainability, climate change, and economic policy.

  Robert McMillan, Director, farrierswier & ARENA advisory panel member.

 Robert is an economist specialising in regulatory policy and practice in the energy, water, and transport sectors.  He advises policy makers, energy businesses and regulators on integrating distributed energy resources, renewable gasses, and state and market operator-initiated transmission investments into national and jurisdictional regimes.  Serving on ARENA’s advisory panel he has assessed innovation funding for renewable technologies, electrification, renewable fuels, and energy market and grid integration since 2017.  Prior to joining Farrierswier in 2016, he held general manager roles in regulation and strategy for Jemena.  He was accountable for regulation of Jemena’s $11 billion portfolio of electricity, gas and recycled water assets.

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The Energy Security Board Post 2025 Market Design

The power industry is going through a period of challenging and rapid change.  Consistent with the National Electricity Objective of delivering more affordable energy and satisfied consumers and with the objectives set out in the Finkel Review, a new electricity market design better suited to the needs of the future has become an imperative.

Deputy Chair of the ESB, David Swift, describes how the task of designing the “Post 2025 Market Design” is proceeding, summarising the collaboration with national energy market bodies and the consultation paper outlining the challenges.  David describes the work completed to date and indicates the ESB’s thinking on aspects of the future design.  The project aims to recommend a coherent fit-for-purpose market design for the future by mid-2021

This download is the video link. Please see other resource entry for the Powerpoint slides. 

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The Energy Security Board Post 2025 Market Design (2)

The power industry is going through a period of challenging and rapid change.  Consistent with the National Electricity Objective of delivering more affordable energy and satisfied consumers and with the objectives set out in the Finkel Review, a new electricity market design better suited to the needs of the future has become an imperative.

Deputy Chair of the ESB, David Swift, describes how the task of designing the “Post 2025 Market Design” is proceeding, summarising the collaboration with national energy market bodies and the consultation paper outlining the challenges.  David describes the work completed to date and indicates the ESB’s thinking on aspects of the future design.  The project aims to recommend a coherent fit-for-purpose market design for the future by mid-2021

This download is the Powerpoint slides. Please see the other resource entry for the video link. 

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The Future of Covered Conductors - Presentation Paper

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The Impact of Small Scale Solar PV on Power Quality: An Empirical Study

Australia has perhaps the highest penetration of small scale solar PV generation in the world. There is conjecture with regard to the impact that the inverters used to facilitate connectivity between solar PV generators and the grid will have on power quality disturbance levels. In this paper power quality data collected from several thousand low voltage sites has been analysed in order to facilitate an empirical investigation of the impact of small scale solar PV generation on PQ disturbance levels. The specific disturbances investigated are steady state voltage voltage unbalance and voltage THD. The earliest data which has been is from 2009 when solar PV penetration was low in Australia and concludes with data from 2019. The study outcomes suggest that solar PV generation is leading to a change in the profile of voltage across the day and is increasing voltage magnitudes to above light load levels at some sites. There is little evidence to support assertions that solar PV systems are increasing either voltage unbalance or voltage THD magnitudes.


Sean Elphick graduated from the University of Wollongong with a B.E. (elec) degree in 2002. He obtained an M.Eng (Res) in 2012.

In 2003 he joined what is now the Australian Power Quality and Reliability Centre at the University of Wollongong where he is Research Coordinator and Centre Manager. His current role involves business development and technical support for the research and consulting projects that the centre is engaged on. He is heavily involved in the production of the Power Quality Compliance Audit, a power quality survey involving most electricity distributors in Australia. His interests lie in power quality monitoring methodology and instrumentation and power quality standards.

He is also a past member of CIGRE working group C4.112 (power quality monitoring) and a current member of CIGRE working group C4.27 (benchmarking of power quality performance in transmission systems) and Standards Australia subcommittee EL42-3 (AS4777).

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The importance of generator circuit-breaker (GCB) selection in pumped storage and synchronous condenser installation

With the increased penetration of renewables in the market and the subsequent need to ensure grid stability, pumped storage power plant & synchronous compensator projects are gaining considerable momentum in Australia. In addition, to increase system strength synchronous condensers are also being installed in our transmission networks. A critical piece of equipment for these types of projects is the generator circuit-breaker (GCB). In pumped storage power plants, the GCB allows the plant to switch from generator mode to pump mode and very severe duties specifically for doubly-fed induction machines (DFIM)  and in synchronous condenser installations it protects synchronous machines while delivering active/reactive power and a varying power factor. During this workshop we will discuss the main GCB selection criteria for these applications as well as the fault rating selection and maintenance aspects that play a key role in ensuring plant availability.


Ketan Shah

Ketan has 22 years of experience working with Hitachi Energy (formerly ABB). This includes 14 years of experience in the field of substation engineering and GIS substation layout, 3 years of experience in a GIS switchgear factory and 5 years of experience working in a GCB factory as the Area Sales Manager for the entire Asia region (excl. China).

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The role of Hydrogen in the changing energy mix - Fred Farchmin

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The Safe Design of large-scale solar and Battery Energised Storage Systems (BESS)

This presentation provides the overview, findings, and recommendations from numerous Safety in Design activities in the context of standalone large-scale solar or BESS and the integrated Solar-BESS. The presentation highlights the most common hazards identified during the whole life-cycle phase of the solar and BESS and the effect of this integrated system on the environment. Finally, recommendations are made that can be implemented during the design phase of these systems to make it safe so far as is reasonably practicable for human, asset, and environmental interfaces.

 Lovepreet Samrao, Mechanical Systems Engineer at Engineering, Systems Management.

Lovepreet is a Mechanical Systems Engineer with experience in hazard identification exercises such as Safety in Design, HAZOPs, CHAZOPs and FMEA.  Lovepreet holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) degree focused on Mechanical Engineering from the University of South Australia (UniSA).  Lovepreet has been extensively involved in Safety in Design activities of renewable systems such as solar farms and Battery Energised Storage Systems.

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The South Australian Blackout - what happened?

The presentation outlines the cause of the September 2016 South Australian power outage that resulted in an ‘SA Region Black System’. The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) operating reports into the incident are reviewed. This presentation also describes what role the operation of renewable energy generation sources contributed to the outage.

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The Technology, its Capabilities and Opportunities for Australia

Under the Australian Constitution it is the State and Territory governments, not the Commonwealth which has responsibility for energy. Victoria is one of three states (the others being New South Wales and Queensland) which have laws prohibiting nuclear power, while the other states and territories have no prohibitions. With South Australia considering the nuclear fuel cycle, and there being a possible future energy supply via the National Electricity Market (NEM), this has direct relevance to Victoria.

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Three-phase Inline Power Regulators on the LV Network

PV in South East Queensland • Solutions for LV Network Voltage Problems • Two Trial Networks • Inline Power Regulator (IPR)

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Tolerable Asset Risk

This presentation will deal with the quantification of asset risks and will include a case study on a risk-based approach to earthing.

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Transforming the grid with pole-mounted batteries

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Tribute Power Station Alternator Failure

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Understanding Arc Flash Hazards and latest requirements of AS3000:2018

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UNHCR Refugee Solar Power Camps in Jordan

Solar PV Infrastructure was built by UNHCR in two Syrian refugee camps in Jordan: the Za'atari camp of 120,000 people and Azraq camp of 80,000 people. These represent the first and to this day the largest, renewable infrastructure projects ever done as part of a humanitarian response. This presentation will talk about some of the challenges of this infrastructure deployment, the benefits electricity provides to refugees and the future of electrification as part of humanitarian responses.

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UNSW Nuclear Engineering Research

The presentation describes the Nuclear Engineering research being conducted in the University of NSW, and also discusses how a nuclear solution would impact SA and Australia, and how it could be incorporated with renewable solutions.

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US electricity developments and their applications to Australian electricity networks

Fereidoon Sioshansi is President of Menlo Energy Economics, a consulting firm based in San Francisco, California, with over 35 years of experience in the electric power sector.

He advises clients on strategies to respond to the rapid transformation of the energy sector including utilities, energy intensive industry, innovators, start-ups and companies engaged in electricity delivery supply chain, regulators and policy makers.

Dr. Sioshansi is the editor and publisher of EEnergy Informer, a monthly newsletter with international circulation for the past 33 years.

His professional experience includes working at Southern California Edison Co. (SCE), Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), NERA, and Global Energy Decisions.

He has edited/co-edited 15 books published by Academic Press including the following:

  • The Future of Decentralized Distribution Networks, 2023
  • Energy Communities, 2022
  • Variable generation, flexible demand, Nov 2020
  • Behind & behind the meter: Digitalization, aggregation, optimization, monetization, 2020
  • Consumer, prosumer, prosumager: How service innovations will disrupt the utility business model, 2019
  • Innovation and Disruption at the Grid’s Edge, 2017
  • Future of Utilities, Utilities of the Future, 2016
  • Distributed Generation & its implications for the utility industry, 2014.

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Using High Resolution Oscillography to Improve Switching of Transformers

Energisation of power transformers at a random point-on-wave can result in inrush currents that far exceed the full-load rating of the transformer resulting in power quality issues and stress on equipment. Controlled switching, in which the breaker is closed at a point-on-wave chosen to minimise the inrush current, greatly reduces the inrush current and its negative effects.

This presentation will describe the design and commissioning of a controlled switching scheme using high resolution oscillography. This technology has been used to optimally energise and de-energise a high voltage power transformer.

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Vehicle to Grid – Turning Electric Vehicles into Grid Assets

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Virtual Inertial to curb Frequency Instability


Inertia in power systems has been traditionally determined by considering all the rotating masses directly connected to the grid that limits the fast speed changes in rotating parts of a power system and subsequently limits the fast frequency oscillations and guaranties the power system stability. Due to the inertia-less nature of power electronics interface (i.e., converter/inverter), the increasing penetration of RESs (renewable energy sources) and DGs (distributed generators) will lead to the further reduction of system inertia and will also affect the damping properties of the system.

One of the solutions toward stabilizing such power systems with massive DG/RES penetration is by synthesizing additional artificial inertia and damping properties virtually. VI (Virtual Inertia) synthesis and control provides a thorough understanding of the basic principles, synthesis, analysis, and control of virtual inertia systems using the latest technical tools to mitigate power system stability and control problems under the presence of high RES penetration.

This Seminar presentation provides a survey on the fundamental aspects of the virtual inertia for Microgrid control and more specifically for a real case study (Broome city) by using of battery energy storage system (BESS), as one of the novel VI emulated techniques, in enhancing system inertia. Also the following items will be presented and discussed:

  1. Theoretical advantages of implementing BESS as VI:
  • Reduction in frequency nadir (Minimum Frequency) and decrease the deviation of the frequency
  • Less overshoot and faster transient or respond time
  • Less RoCoF (Rate of Change of Frequency) and less steep gradient
  • Faster recovery time to the nominal frequency


  1. The concept of new Inverter Based VI definitions in the power systems:
  • Grid Following and Grid Forming inverters
  • Synchronverter
  • VISMA (Virtual Synchronous Machines)
  • VSYNC topology
  • Droop-based approach


  1. Simulation of installing 2 x 800KVA BESS in Broome city as a real practical case study DIgSILENT software
  • Model presentation of Broome network and Danfoss inverter (Manufacturer of Broome’s Inverters) topology
  • Simulation results of Broome network frequency responses in the presence of BESSs
  • BESS’s Droop setting to achieve optimum response by considering comprehensive Power Factory cloud event simulation and step load/generation disturbances


  1. Future generation of VIs
  • Superconductors


Hormoz Mehr, Murdoch University PhD Student

Electrical Engineer Expert

Hormoz Mehr spent the 21 years of his career in the electricity industry. This included 7 years in HV substation design as control/protection design team leader and 5 years in HV substation automation systems as project manager.

Hormoz has worked in OIL&GAS section for 3 years with international companies as designer and engineering manager position.

The following activities and roles have been done during the last 9 years:

  • Programming and implementing automatic engineering documents generation
  • Advanced Metering Infrastructure project managing
  • Smart solution consultancy for Smart Grids, Smart Cities and Smart Operations
  • 3 years in Australia and involved in 2x200MW windfarms design and construction in WA (Yandin & Warradarge)
  • Electrical expert in mining industry and network planning in Horizon Power for Broome’s BESS setting simulations.

He is studying PhD in Murdoch University and also a graduate of the Sharif University of Technology in Master degree. He is standing as a professional Engineer Skill Level 1 in Australia and member of EESA.

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WA Chapter to enter details of this item (2)

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WA Chapter to enter details of this item (3)

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Waste to Energy at a Sewerage Treatment Plant - Heather Bone & Wade Lewis - slides

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Webinar Recording: Everything is a factory: lessons for large infrastructure projects, from designing and building Gigafactories

This webinar presented on large infrastructure projects worldwide suffer from similar issues – they are often delivered late, over budget and for expediency sometimes not to the original design intent which then compromises their longevity.  This is primarily because they are complex undertakings – there are a lot of people, companies, governments involved with getting a lot of components into the right place at the right time and assembled the right way – and invariably there are hurdles at every stage.  There are parallels with the design, installation and operation of a Gigafactory. 

The webinar answered the following questions:

  • How are companies building these massive manufacturing projects at speed and delivering on the original design intent? 
  • How do the factories evolve during operation as the need arises? 
  • What if we redefined a large infrastructure project as a giant, distributed assembly factory? 
  • What can we learn for the deployment of renewable energy megaprojects, new power grids and other infrastructure if we look at it from the lens of a manufacturer rather than a project administrator? 

This presentation reviewed some of the lessons from designing, building and operating some of the largest factories on earth in tight time frames, and suggest ways that these could help improve infrastructure deployment at all scales.

Link to the slides and Zoom Platform available

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What is a grid-scale battery energy storage system (BESS) best used for in SA?

What is grid-scale BESS best used for in the South Australian Electricity System? – Not energy security – But rather system security > Broad range of services & benefits (Market services, e.g. arbitrage or Caps, USE reduction, capital deferral, network support, etc.) with the business case being very application specific

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What will renewable energy look like in 2050?

State of PLay: Clean energy in Australia and recent developments within the Australian renewable energy sector

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Where does Hydrogen fit into the Transition to Renewable Energy?

An explanation of the place of Hydrogen in the transition to a renewable energy future in Australia and internationally, the opportunities and the challenges.

Thom Cameron, Hydrogen & Technology Director, Aurecon  Thom is a technical leader with a process technology background and nearly 20 years of professional experience in the oil, gas, petrochemical and energy industries.  Having held several technical and project delivery roles, Thom is well versed in the development process and how to optimise concepts, both in terms of technology and execution.  With a background in the process industry forged with a technology company, Thom has experience across the full hydrogen and hydrocarbon value chain, both conventional and renewable. Thom’s background in the conventional chemical process industry applies to the new ‘green hydrogen’ industry and allows for efficient evaluation of ideas and development of projects. This has been put to use in several large scale green chemical projects for both domestic and export purposes.

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Whydrogen. What is driving the surge of current interest and investment

These days even someone who isn’t a self-confessed energy nerd would be hard pressed to avoid the all the news about hydrogen. Over the last year or so hydrogen has gone from being an interesting idea to being broadly recognised as a key part of our global energy future.

What has caused this change? Hydrogen has certainly been discussed previously, but hasn’t ever really taken off before. Why is it different this time?

Equally, for all the talk and excitement: there are a lot of plans, but relatively little physical deployment.  What is stopping (or at least slowing) the delivery of the promise at the moment and what are the paths to overcome these obstacles?


Cam Potter

Cam has had the opportunity to work across a range of roles, covering most of the function in the electricity sector. He has worked in academia while successfully completing a Ph.D. at the university of Tasmania. He has worked as a consultant, both with US-based 3TIER (now owned by Vaisala) and as an independent consultant. Cam has also worked for Hydro Tasmania and so understands the generation side of the energy industry – particularly regarding time spent leading the analysis for Battery of the Nation. After that Cam spent some time at AEMO, the system operator. Now he is working for Fortescue Future Industries, working to develop large energy consuming plant (although the breadth and scale of FFI’s ambition means that the simple definitions don’t necessarily apply).

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Wind Generation Road Show - George Bergholcs - slides

This presentation covers a wide range of issues including customer wind power enquiries, equipment ratings, protection, stability, synchronisation, generation dispatch and other operational issues.

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Wind Generation Road Show - George Bergholcs - technical paper

This presentation covers a wide range of issues including customer wind power enquiries, equipment ratings, protection, stability, synchronisation, generation dispatch and other operational issues.

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Wind Generation Road Show - Simon Mason - slides

A description of the trends in wind energy technology, key wind energy installation design factors and operational and maintenance aspects.

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Yorke Peninsular 600MW Wind Farm Project

The Ceres 600MW Wind Farm Project planned for Yorke Peninsular in SA is one of the largest projects proposing to connect a capital city to wind power via an undersea cable. Terry Kallis is principal consultant for the project and the presentation provides and overview, scope and progress of the project.

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Yorke Peninsular 600MW Wind Farm Project

A paper updating the renewable energy situation in South Australia (as support to the Ceres Wind Farm Project presentation by Terry Kallis 17 March 2016)

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